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This story will follow the manga and will contain spoilers.

I do not own anything except for my oc. Enjoy! :)


Inoko can feel her heartbeat go faster as she watched the three strangers dug something to Senku's grave. She squinted her eyes, trying to see what it was. Unfortunately, the largest of the three kept on blocking her view making it unable for her to see the thing.

"There's no mistaking it." She thought, taking her eyes away from them and leaning back to the stone. "Senku-san and his people are finally making a move. But what is that thing?"

Multiple scenarios went up to her head as she tried to guess what will be the most useful object that they could use against Tsukasa and his army.

"Was it a bomb? Tsukasa-san did mention that they have gunpowder... no. This place is too far away from the main base. It is highly unlikely unless they had someone moved it." Her brows furrowed at this. "They could have Taiju-san move it though. But... I don't think Taiju-san is going to agree having lots of people hurt because of him."

"It is unlikely to be a bomb. What is it then? A gun? No... what kind of gun would take that much size? A bazooka then?" She sighed. There is nothing much she could think of to be possible in this stone world.

She decided to take a peak again. This time, the guy with his hair split into two colors was laying out something like a rope.

"What is that? What is something that has a rope on it?"

She leaned her head to her fingers, thinking hard. She was sure that she had read something about weapons associated with ropes in the past.

"A bolas? No no no. What am I thinking? That thing is too small to be that object. Besides, who's going to use it? Using bolas would also mean nothing against Tsukasa-san and Hyouga-san. Surujin, Rope Dart, Chain Whip, Kusarigama, Kaginawa, Jitte... ahh I can't think of anything that can be made in this stone period!" She ruffled her hair in frustration.

The three are still busy doing their work to notice Inoko. She stood up. Her curiosity about the object they brought aside, she needed to tell someone about this. But who? She can't just let them do whatever they want but she doesn't want to tell Tsukasa either. If she let the three invaders plant whatever that thing is, Senku's people will surely attack them, it may affect a lot of people. If she tells Tsukasa or any other people on their group, Yuzuriha and Taiju will be the one to suffer.

She took a deep breath and exhaled her nervousness along with it. She's conflicted and she's afraid that whatever her decision will be might affect her big time in the near future.

"Who am I kidding? This is not like the modern times anymore. Nothing will prevent people from doing whatever unlike the past." She gulped, thinking the worst. "I may even die on this."

She bit her lower lip in frustration, finally making up her mind. "I just hope that I won't regret this."

She started walking away, not even bothering to take a look back. "The safest route possible..." she thought as she picked up the basket she left earlier to see who is- rather are, on the graveyard.

The plan she had in mind is quite simple. She's going to lure someone near the place and the ending process would depend on how that person will react to see the three. If she chose correctly, everything will go well to both sides.

But in reality, it's basically just her running away.

She smiled bitterly. "I knew that it was a plan for cowards... but what else can I do?"

She kept on walking, trying to find the person she had in mind. The basket she's carrying felt much heavier than before, as if she was carrying something huge; which is actually kind of true. She kept on thinking: "Was this really the right choice?" She feels like bumping her head to the wall until she black out. She felt stupid, being unable to do anything.

"Why am I so weak?" Her pace went faster and the stomping of her foot became louder and louder as she tried to release all the frustration she had.

She then came to a halt. There he is. The person she thinks is the most qualified to be on this small... diversion plan of her. As usual, he is sitting casually on the highest tree branch. His hat covered his eyes and he had his arms crossed as he leaned on the tree. For a moment there, Inoko hesitated.

"No. This is not the time to falter." She thought.

She raised her hand and waved hard, trying to catch the attention of the male.


She saw Ukyo moved his hands to lift his hat up. She smiled at him, still waving as their eyes met. Almost immediately, Ukyo's face broke into a smile.

"Ukyo-san! I have something to give you!" She said, picking up a mango from the basket and handing it out to him.

Ukyo immediately climbed down the tree. The smile is still on his face as he accepted the mango from Inoko's hands. "Thank you, Inoko..." he said.

"You can do this, Inoko!" She inhaled, feeling a tiny bit of encouragement flow through her veins.

"Ukyo-san, are you free right now?" She asked, then giggled slightly. "I mean, you're only sleeping on the tree earlier."

Ukyo's face flushed in embarrassment. "What's wrong about that?"

Inoko did not say anything. She just continued holding back a laugh, although she fails terribly because of the face Ukyo is making. Ukyo rolled his eyes then joined Inoko at her laughter.

"Nothing. Nothing. " She said as she wiped the small tear on her eyes. "I have a favor but..."

"Oh. What am I supposed to say now? Ahh, I didn't think of this enough!"


"...ahh.." she mumbled. "It's kind of embarrassing..."

Ukyo almost raised an eyebrow at this. "What is it? You don't have to be embarrassed with me, you know?" He smiled. "You can tell me anything."

Inoko stopped at this. Can she really? She closed her eyes, thinking hard.

What is she really trying to achieve here? Who is she protecting? Was it her friends or just herself? She's conflicted. What are her goals? Why is she even here when she's not doing the job given to her properly? Why is she even still alive? Why? She's not sure. She's never sure. Right from the very start, she just made some moves casually without even thinking of the consequences properly.

"This is so unlike me."

She looked at Ukyo. He is the very first person to show her kindness in this stone age. He helped her even though they're still strangers to each other. He's not a bad person, that she can be sure of.

There's also that one time too.

She sighed, finally making up her mind. She can only laugh at her own silliness earlier. Why is she making such a simple thing so troublesome earlier? "This is so stupid."

She looked at his eyes, and for a moment there, Inoko felt that if she chose the other direction, maybe she won't be able to succeed anyway. She doesn't think she can tell a lie on this person.

"Ukyo-san, someone from the outside is there, at Senku-san's grave..."

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