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This totally isn't creepy, I told myself as I approached the English classroom after school ended. I was just curious to hear what Mrs. Link said to June, it was fine. Nothing weird.

I pushed the door open, disappointed to see that June wasn't there.

I approached Mrs. Loner, smiling.

"I just had a few questions about the project we went over today, since I wasn't feeling well and had to go to the clinic halfway through class" I lied. Her face brightened, grinning at me.

"Come on in," she said jovially, "I'm going to go more in-depth about it with your classmate June when she arrives, if you're okay to wait until then. I just want to make sure she gets all caught up-- mono is a terrible illness to contract." June lied about having mono? It was almost funny.

"Of course Mrs... ma'am!" I flashed a perky smile.

"Actually, I have to run upstairs really quickly. Can you tell June I'll be right back when she gets here?" She didn't give me time to agree, leaving the room in a rather quick way for such a short woman.

Almost immediately after she left, June came into sight.

"The teacher left to go-" I started as she walked towards me.

"I know," she interrupted, " I saw her in the hallway and she told me."

"Oh," I said dumbly. The silence was uncomfortable, but I couldn't think of what to say. I was quickly learning that June was perfectly content in awkward silence and if I wanted to talk I would need to come up with a conversation. After a while, I was surprised to see June bring out a copy of the book we were reading in class. She opened it, flickering her eyes across the page before knitting her eyebrows and squinting. She looked annoyed.

"Do you not like reading?" I asked, regretting the question the second it came out of my mouth. It wasn't any of my business whether or not she liked to read. I was surprised when she answered.

"I don't know. I used to like it, but, I guess..." she sighed, twirling a loose strand of hair with her pinky, "nevermind." I stayed silent, watching her try to read. In moments like this she seemed incredibly human. I felt guilty again-- of course she was human. I almost asked her more, but the teacher returned.

"Hey Mrs. Lee," June said. So that was her name.

"Right, so," Mrs. Lee began, seating herself at her desk. She seemed like she was in a hurry. June sat on its corner, which I thought was rude, but Mrs. Lee didn't seem to mind. I stood, my hands shoved into my pockets, as she spoke. "This is good, actually. June, you missed the first few weeks of school, but Mia was here."

"So," I began, "you want me to help June catch up?" My heart started beating fast. This wasn't good.

"Would that be alright?" Mrs. Lee asked hopefully. I nodded, forcing a smile. "Wonderful, thank you." She breathed a sigh of relief. "You can stay in the room, I trust you. Just make sure to lock it," she said, zipping up her bag and scurrying away.

"Bye," June called. My head yanked in her direction when I heard her voice. June Willow, with me, all by ourselves, in a secluded room. I wondered for a moment if this was planned. It would certainly be an ideal time to jump me, maybe payback for talking to her in the hallway. I waited.

June migrated to the couch in the back of the classroom, stretching her long legs out. She opened her book again. I didn't move, I was too terrified to speak. Minutes passed, my imagination running wild.

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