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I was seriously starting to regret going off on June like I had, I noted as I fiddled with my fingers, hands bound behind me in stinging restraints. The only thing I could see through the cover over my eyes was darkness, and it was starting to freak me out.

It had been a foul on her part to leave me in the dark like she had, but I probably could have handled it better. No, definitely could have. Granted, I had been operating under a lot of stress at the time, but still. Besides, it wasn't like I wasn't hiding secrets of my own-- namely, the predicament that I had myself tied up in currently.

If I thought I missed her fiery hair this morning, it was nothing compared to the emptiness I felt now.

Now, like an animal prepped of slaughter, I was lying with my cheek pressed to cold, slick metal. It wasn't frigid, but just cold enough to be uncomfortable and on edge. I prayed that June would notice I was gone, though I had little hope that she would for at least another day. Besides, she might just think I was sick again-- or pouting over the fight we'd had.

I hoped that Tyler might realize what was going on, though that was even less likely. I wasn't in constant contact with him, and I doubted that June would go to him. It seemed like their relationship had strained recently.

All I had was time, trapped in a cold dark place. Well, probably dark. I began to ponder my argument with June, and her response. I did it to protect you. I felt my cheeks flush. Then, the blood from my face drained.

It all made sense. Why she refused to go out with me anywhere that was close to town, why she was acting so distant at school. Someone was watching us, waiting for us to confirm that our relationship was close.

And I, outside the school with June, our lips almost meeting, had delivered that proof. Which was probably why I had been kidnapped. Shit.

The worst part is that I had suspected that my attacker had eyes inside the school. But my stupid habit of distracting myself had come out again-- forcing me to make light of everything and ignore the terrifying reality. I had been so inside myself that I let my emotions get the best of me.

Still, I asserted, she should have told me.

Yes, but you're hiding secrets from her as well, my inner voice shot back. I hated when it was right. By trying to protect June, I had served myself on a silver platter to her enemy.

Minutes passed like hours. Or maybe they really were hours, I wouldn't know. The pounding of my head seemed to be getting worse, and suddenly I was grateful that the metal I was lying on was cool.

My ears were straining for any sound, but so far nothing was to be heard. Again, I distracted myself by thinking of June-- of her teasing smile and playful words. Of the countless books we shared, like we were on the journey together. Somehow she always managed to stay straight-faced, but I knew that she was just as wrecked as me when we finished The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman.

A grating noise, like a door opening, slammed me back into reality. I forced my breathing to be quiet, a protective mechanism ingrained I couldn't stop though I knew they were already aware of me.

Heavy footsteps approached, followed by lighter, more nimble footsteps. I heard a sound like a sheet being pulled off of something, and suddenly light was peeking through the pitch black of my blindfold, drilling into me and exasperating my headache. I wanted to curse, maybe curl up into a ball-- it hurt so bad. Instead, I stayed sprawled, pretending I was asleep. A gruff voice spoke.

"This is she," it said.

"This is it? I was expecting... something different." I found myself a little offended at his words, even as I was occupied being terrified.

The man with the rough voice laughed. My mind, ever so creative, decided to dub him 'Gruff Man.' His associate then became 'Asshole.' I was debating between asshole and poopyhead, but the latter seemed too blunt, though it would have been hilarious. I didn't like cursing, but lately I had found myself doing it more.

"All I know was that boss-man wanted this one. Maybe he has a thing for girls like this?" Gruff Man mused. I wanted to punch him in the face. Keep it up, Gruff Man, and soon you'll have a nickname like Asshole too.

Asshole hummed, like he was deliberating something important. Finally, he spoke again.

"Toss me the keys," he said. I couldn't help myself from flinching when a jingling sound rang out.

"Oh, so she's awake," Gruff Man mocked. I stiffened further. A noise, like turning a lock, reverberated in my sensitive ears. Then, a hand touched my shoulder. Through the cloth of my t-shirt, I could feel how big it was. It made me shudder involuntarily.

"She's small, but I suppose she has a cute face," Asshole said.

"Try not to touch too much," Gruff Man told him, "boss man said she's for the pit." The hand turned me so I was lying on my back. I tried to calm my breaths so I wasn't hyperventilating, even as my wrists crushed beneath me, soft skin cutting into the sharp metal of my restraints.

"The pit? A little thing like this?" Asshole seemed surprised. "Aw, look at her, she looks so scared. Are you scared, dollface?" A hand caressed my face.

Never before had I hated my personality as much as I did that moment. I wished I was more like June, who no doubt would have been able to fight back. As it was, I couldn't even get my voice to come out of hiding. My body seemed to be going into permanent shut down mode-- I just wanted to cry. I couldn't get the feeling of June's soft bed out of my mind, and I tried to cling to its memory. The smell of vanilla.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to speak when spoken to?" Asshole sneered, his grip on me tightening. My lips trembled. He had light footsteps and a thinner voice, but his calm demeanor only seemed to increase my shivering. I almost wished Gruff Man would speak more.

"Hey," Gruff Man warned, "careful not to hurt her." Asshole's hand trailed toward my jaw, caressing it softly. I cringed away from his touch.

"I wouldn't hurt a sweet thing like her. C'mon, doll, smile," he cooed maliciously. The way he said c'mon reminded me of June. When I didn't smile, he moved his hand to my lips.

"Dude," Gruff Man said again. Asshole ignored him.

"I told you to smile," he said again, and I could sense the threat behind his saccharine tone. The rough skin of his thumb rubbed against my lips painfully as I forced myself to smile as genuinely as I could. I hoped it didn't look like a grimace.

"I'm starting to understand," Asshole said, voice smooth like honey, "why the boss wanted you so badly. Pliant, like a dog."

"Seriously, man, you're gonna have to stop touching her. If you want her so bad, take it up with the bookie," Gruff Man ordered, voice taking on an edge. The hand removed itself from my skin, and I shuddered.

"You know who I am," Asshole's voice was sharp, but then softened. "What's her name?"

"Mia," Gruff Man told him begrudgingly.

"Mia..." He spoke my name like it was precious. The way it rolled off his lips felt like needles pricking my skin. "I'll see you soon."



Sorry for not posting yesterday! I decided to watch Gravity Falls for the first time instead of being productive.

The updates will switch back to their regular schedule, Mondays and Fridays, once this week is over.

Unedited. Feel free to point out any mistakes!

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