Chapter Three (rewritten)

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Jenna's POV

I just sat there thinking about where I should start. Then I looked up at him.

"Why am I here?"

He gave me a sincere smile and laid his hand on top of mine.

"Thats not important right now. Whats important is that your here because I need you. And that's it for now."

I looked up into his eyes and then that feeling that I could trust him came back.

"Should I trust him? No Jenna he kidnapped you."

" how did you do that?"

He gave me a confused look.

" do what?"

I turned my head away from him and just stared at the floor twiddling my thumbs for now reason.

" earlier today when you told me to calm down my entire body immediately went calm and numb."

His faced turned serious after that and he held my hand a little bit tighter. Not enough to hurt.

"I'm sorry but i cant answer that for you right now."

"B-but why-"


I whimpered and moved back away from him against the headboard. His face softened when he saw me scared. He sighed while slowly pulling me back over and sat me on his lap and hugged me tightly.

" I'm sorry. I just can't tell you why right now. I didn't mean to scare you."

As I was sitting comfortably on his lap I felt that feeling of fireworks all over my body again. He was also very cold. I didn't let it bother me so I just nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck.

He started rubbing his hand up and down my back. It felt so soothing and relaxing almost making me wanna go to sleep.

" what's your name?"

He stopped rubbing my back and just sat there.

" name is Paul."

Out of nowhere we here a knock in the door and I went to scream for help.


He covered my mouth with his hand and grabbed the role of tape and tied me up again. He pinned me down on the bed and went digging through the night stand drawer for something. When I saw him pull out a needle I began to struggle and get a panic attack because I am scared of needles. His face was full of concern.

Pauls pov

When I saw that jenna was having a panic attack I immediately got concerned and sat the needle down beside me. I pulled her to my chest so she can focus on my breathing.

" jenna its ok just focus on my breathing to need to calm down. Take a deep breath through your nose. Ok?"

She did what I told her to do and started calming down. Now for the next step.

Jenna pov

After Paul manages to help me calm down I just sit there and relax with my eyes closed. All of a sudden I screech in pain when I felt the needle get stabbed into me. Immediately my felt numb and I could not move.

" It's ok. Don't worry. It will only calm your nerves." He explained to me.

He moves me in a comfortable position and covers me up with the covers. Afterwards he stands up and moves my hair out of my face.

" I'll be right back."

Paul's POV

I slowly shut the door to Jenna's room. I put my hands on my face and groaned into them. I hated every second of that. I really didn't wanna have to drug her. I heard a knock on the front door again so I went to see who it was. When I opened the door I saw that it was Gene.

" About time! What took you so long to open the door?"

" Sorry. I had a struggle with Jenna."

Gene went and sat on the couch in the living room and I followed.

Gene and the boys all know about jenna as they were all with me when I discovered she was my mate. Sometimes they would help look after her when i couldn't.

" Why? What happened?"

I put my hands in my hair and just gripped it tightly. And I took a deep breath.

" I had to drug her cause she tried calling out for help when you knocked. Then she ended up having a panic attack."

He had a look of shock and concern on his face.

" Oh shit man I'm sorry."

" It's fine. I just hope that nothing is gonna happen happen again. I really hated putting her through that."

He nods in understanding.

"Hey I get it man. I felt the same way when it came to Shannon."

He chuckled in nostalgia and said.

" she was a bit of a struggle at first but I gave her time and space. And now look at where we are. We have an amazing family with two wonderful kids. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world."

After talking for a while Paul had decided that it was time to check on Jenna.

" As much as I'm enjoying this I gotta go take care of Jenna."

" Hey no problem man I understand. Good luck." Then he walked out of the door.

"I'm gonna need it."

Jenna's POV

I had forgotten how long Paul had been gone or how long I have been staring up at the ceiling. I heard the door open and Paul was looking down to me. He looked eight feet tall and the whole room seemed to stretch out. He sat down on the bed and got closer to me. He grabbed my hand and held it in a tight, gentle grip.

" Jenna? Can you hear me?"

His voice sounds so distant even though I can feel his breath on my face. I began to cry silently.

" Hey don't be scared....It's just the drug....try to get some sleep."

I try to talk but I forgot that I had tape on my mouth so it's muffled.

" it's ok you will feel better in the morning. I'll let you rest."

When he tried to get up and walk off I took every bit of strength I had and tightened my grip on his hand to stop him. He had noticed what I was trying to do.

" Do you want me to stay with you?"

I did my best to nod my head but it was moving all over the place without my consent. He grabbed my head gently and stabilized it.

" Ok. Give me a minute to get changed."

When he came back a few minutes later he climbed into bed and pulled me closer to him so my back was up against his front. He pressed his lips to my forehead and I got to say it was the best feeling in the world. He turned out the light and wrapped his arms around me.

" Go to sleep baby I'm right here. I'm so sorry I had to to that to you. I promise that I will make it up to you. "

Before I closed my eyes I could I swore I heard him whisper I love you to me but that might have been the drug playing tricks on me.

Im back guys. Things have been getting a little better. I'm sad to say that I lost my step-grampa yesterday. And I just felt the need to write for a bit to calm my mind. But yes I will be starting updates again.

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