Chapter 2

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When Wei Ying woke up he was in the Jingshi and in what he recognized as Lan Zhan's bed but there was no Lan Zhan. Looking around he could tell that little was different from the future in the Jingshi. In the future the walls would have Wei Yings drawings of Lan Zhan and the few drawings Lan Zhan did of Wei Ying. The drawings always made him laugh, thinking about there was something Lan Zhan wasn't good at.

Wei Ying wasn't too surprised to see he was in One of Lan Zhan's robes and already cleaned down below. Wei Ying yawned as he crawled out of the bed. He felt sore and he could tell his hips and thighs would be bruised. He went to walk over to the desk on unsteady feet but quickly decided against it when he almost fell flat on his face.

'Lan Zhan really was rough!' Wei Ying thought as he laid back down in the bed. It didn't take long for Wei Ying to get bored and thus began rolling around in the bed until he managed to somehow get himself tangled up in the blanket with his upper body hanging over the edge of the bed.

It was in that moment that Lan Zhan entered the Jingshi with a tray in his hands.
"Lan Zhan! You're back!" Wei Ying said cheerfully as he sat up.
"Mn." He replied but Wei Ying could see the fondness in his gaze.
Wei Ying grinned mischievously, "did you clean up library pavilion while I slept? I can tell you cleaned up the mess you made down there, bathing me and everything!"
"...shameless." Lan Zhan said with no trace of anger.
"Really? I think you're the shameless one here Lan Zhan. You took all of this maidens firsts, you better take responsibility!" He said fondly.
"Mn, will take responsibility." Lan Zhan said coming closer to the bed where Wei Ying sat.

Wei Ying laughed happily, he was glad he could be with Lan Zhan again. Lan Zhan was the only person who always stayed by his side and believed in him even when the whole Cultivation world turned its back on him. Wei Ying would always wonder how he, a menace to society ended up with someone as good as Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying wasn't sure how Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli would react to him being a cut-sleeve. He felt h deserved to be hated but knew what his husband would to say about that. He was wasn't too worried about Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu would just be glad he's not her problem anymore.

Wei Ying was ripped out of his thoughts when he felt a pair of lips press against his own. Wei Ying couldn't help but smile at his husband who gave him a look that said 'it will be alright.'

As much as he trusted his former husband, he would avoid telling them for now at least.
Wei Ying knew there was a rule against sleeping in the same bed before marriage, but they had broken the rule that said one should not indulge in coitus* before marriage. He asked anyway.
"..Can I sleep here for tonight...?" Wei Ying asked not wanting to face Jiang Cheng at the thought of how disgusted he was in the future.
Lan Zhan's ears bloomed a beautiful pink at the notion, "...Mn."


That night Wei Ying had been the best sleep he had ever had since going into the past. He had suffered from nightmares without Lan Zhan by his side.
Wei Ying woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door before coming in. It was Xichen-ge and it took a moment for his brain to catch up as he realized he was sleeping on top of Lan Zhan, using his chest as a pillow. Xichen-ge's eyes widened and Wei Ying couldn't bother to explain in his state of being too tired to care.

"Young master Wei...?" Xichen-ge asked confused.
"Too tired..." Wei Ying mumbled, closing his eyes.
He always has issues getting up at five.
"Wei Ying, it is five." Lan Zhan said hoping he would wake up.
"Five more minutes." Wei Ying mumbled sleepily and Lan Zhan couldn't bear to say otherwise.
When Xichen-ge saw the definite show case of love, he smiled glad that Lan Zhan was happy.
"You two can take your time, I will give uncle an excuse for your absence from class." Xichen-ge said, leaving without another word.
Not long after that, Wei Ying had drifted back to sleep and Lan Zhan took this as a chance to pamper the other.


After Lan Zhan had gotten ready fo the day he tried to wake up Wei Ying. When he didn't wake up he sat the other up on the edge of the bed, with Wei Yings forehead against his shoulder. Lan Zhan slowly striped him of his night robes. The fondness was evident in the way he dressed him in white robes gently like a delicate treasure.

Lan Zhan grabbed the comb off the bed and picked up Wei Ying. He sat on the bed, putting Wei Ying on his lap so he was straddling him. Wei Yings head rest against his chest as he brought the comb to the others hair. Lan Zhan couldn't help but run his fingers through Wei Yings hair, admiring how silky it felt.

Once he was satisfied, he undid the knot of his forehead ribbon and gathered Wei Yings hair in his other hand. Lan Zhan neatly tied Wei Yings hair into a ponytail with his forehead ribbon. The sight of Wei Ying in his robes and wearing his forehead, made him feel satisfied. It also made him feel a bit possessive.


Jiang Cheng didn't think anything of it when Wei Ying didn't come back to their dorms that night but he started to worry when Wei Ying didn't come to class either. His worry only grew when he noticed Lan WangJi wasn't there either. The only things thing that seemed to slightly ease his worry was the fact that Lan Qiren didn't seem surprised by his nephews absence.

Wei Ying didn't show up to the meal hall for lunch either. When Lan Xichen arrived to the meal hall without Lan WangJi, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but go up to Lan Xichen and ask.
"Where's my brother." Jiang Cheng asked and the smile Lan Xichen gave him, weirdly made him think the other was up to something.
"If you wish to find young master Wei, I did see him in the Jingshi with my brother." He replied, a undeniably gentle look in eyes.

Jiang Cheng couldn't figure out why Wei Ying was in the Jingshi and began to worry once again.
'Did that bastard do something to my brother!? I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of him.' Jiang Cheng thought as he stormed out of the meal hall and off to the Jingshi.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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