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I always liked to stay on the sidelines.
I didn't like to get too close.
Afraid of getting burned.
I didn't trust more than a person or two.
But then I took a leap of faith.
Hoping, praying not get burned.
I fought hard but never won.
I tried to be 'normal' to be one of the 'ins'.
But who knew that touching the Sun would be easier.

Opening up felt like an adventure.
Talking a mystery to be solved.
Trust a horrific experience.
One I don't regret.
But then again who was I trying to fool?
Myself? Defiantly! Others? Possibly.
Did I succeed? Not at all.
Am I sad because of that? Maybe.

But then again I have always been an outcast.
An outcast who never felt like one.
Why you might ask?
The answer is simple.
If you are confident in yourself.
Then nothing can bring you down.

Be confident. Don't try to change.
Outcasts are the most in-s.

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