First fight

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One afternoon when you got home you went straight to the garage to have a little chat with Steve. Lately things around your house were coming up missing and you suspected that Steve was taking them. At first it was just little things that were going missing, but when your math test went missing the previous night you weren't happy.

"Steve, have you been coming into my house and taking things?" You asked Steve after you opened the garage door and walked in.

"Um…yeah. Why?" He asked you nervously.

"I needed that math test!" You said angrily.

"I'm sorry. You looked so stressed about it so I decided to take it." Steve said as his holoform appeared in front of you.

"And what about the other stuff that went missing?" You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"I-I was just curious about it. I didn't mean to cause any problems." Steve said sadly.

"Well stop taking things that don't belong to you without asking!" You yelled as you uncrossed your arms and stormed out of the garage.

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