Your life now

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Shortly after you and Steve spark bonded he wanted to join Bee's team. You ended up agreeing and you both went to talk to Bee. Thankfully he allowed you both to join his team. Steve even became an Autobot. You changed your name to Y/C/n, but you kept your human name as a nickname.

Steve stopped using his mask since he knew that you loved seeing his faceplates. Every so often he would take you to Cybertron for vacations. A few years later you ended up getting sparked and when you told him he nearly leaked transmission fluid. When you had your sparkling everyone on Bee's team helped you take care of him. Jennifer, Kevin and their families would visit the scrap yard.

You were happy with your life and your family. None of it would have happened if you hadn't of gone into your parent's garage all those years ago. And you all lived happily ever after.

                        ~ The End ~ 

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