He rescues you

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It had been about a month since Starscream had taken you and Steve had been looking for you. Your kids were staying with your parents since Steve had been out searching for you. When he found Starscream's ship he knew that you would be in it. Since no one appeared to be home Steve transformed and went in. The ship looked somewhat simallar to the Nemesis.

As he looked around the ship he found a lab. His optics widened when he saw a small, femme seeker tied to one of the lab tables. You groaned as you opened your O/c optics when you heard someone walk into the lab.

"Steve! You came for me!" You said happily.

"Y/n? What has he done to you?!" Steve asked you when he recognized your voice.

"He turned me into a femme seeker because he wants me to be his Queen. But so far he's just been keeping me in his lab." You said sadly.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here." Steve said as he walked over to the table.

As he untied you he couldn't help but admire your F/c armor with S/f/c highlights. Once you were freed he helped you stand up. Then, before Starscream or his crew came back you both escaped. When you both finally got home your parents were shocked at what happened, but they were happy that Steve had brought you back alive. Your kids were happy that you came back to them.

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