You get to keep him

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Recently your mom and dad told you that you could keep Steve. Sure, they didn't know that he was a giant alien robot, but they saw how much you loved his alt mode. So the day they said that you could keep him you lept for joy. So while your parents were away you went to go tell him.

"Steve! Guess what?" You asked him as you entered the garage.

"What?" Steve asked you as his holoform appeared in front of you.

"My parents are letting me keep you!" You said happily as you hugged him.

"I thought that they didn't know about me being alive." Steve said.

"They don't. They think that you're just a car." You told him.

"I'm happy that I get to stay with you." Steve said as he smiled.

"So am I." You said as you hugged him tighter.

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