Somewhere Classified

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12 hours earlier...

"You motherf****r !!" A black site guard was throwing ice cold water on the prisoner. John stood motionless. They couldn't break him. The guard left the room and turned on extremely loud music meant to drive any many insane. John didn't care because today he would soon be free...

Five hours passed. At this point it would normally be lunch time, but instead the music was turned down and a voice began to speak over the intercom.

"I killed your cousin, but death is a gift you won't receive Mr John De Vegaaaaa." The same guard from earlier laughed manically over the loud speaker.
"I have a special gift for you this lunchtime. Something with a little kick to it !"

John rolled his eyes when the guard came in whistling. In his possession was a giant battery contraption obviously meant to torture him through electrocution. The prisoner remained calm only because he had managed to pick the lock on his chains and merely held them on his person. Over the years he spent every day secretly running his medieval like iron chains across the cement in his cell. Eventually one of the links broke and he then ground it down into a point that he was able to use as a lock pick.

"I'm really glad we could spend some time together," began the psychopath of a guard. He slowly walked closer to John with his battery cables. One red handle and one black, the metal gilded claspes were sending sparks cascading off ready to latch onto John. When the guard was within mere inches of his face the fearless cartel leader jumped up and swung his shackles.

"Sorry to disappoint !" John had been ready. He grabbed the cables from the guard knocked out on the floor and fastened them to the jailer's earlobes as he fled his cell for the first time in a decade.

Walking briskly through the halls John knew it would only be a matter of time until his chance to escaped expired. He had dawned the guards uniform, but knew that it wouldn't be long before one of the fallen jailers comrades spotted the imposter.

During his international travels in his previous life, John had learned hand to hand combat from Serbian underworld ex special forces. Finally, the first guard to spot him came charging. De Vega quickly disarmed him and shot him in the knee cap. Making is way to the compound lot in the hopes of boosting a getaway truck he easily defeated the rest of the prison staff. The finish line was so close at this point. He continued killing no one but the first guard who had taken his late cousins life.

In the lot no trucks were to be found... Good thing he knew how to fly a helicopter. In the air he was as good as home free. As the sun set him and his chopper chopper whip off into the distance. John laughed for the first time in many years.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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