Part 2

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I knock on the door and Max opens the door you hug him. (you) hey, max is Ian here (max) yeah he is in his room doing homework go knock on the door (you) thanks. You go and knock on his door and he said to come in. You walk in and Ian looks at you and smiles at you (ian)hi baby what are you doing here (you) I want to spend the night with you is that ok (ian) yeah you can spend the night I would love that (you) me to you hug him and give him a kiss and he kisses you back (ian) I love you (you) no I love you more baby🥰 (you) ian can we tell your mom I'm going to spend the night (ian) yeah ofc baby let's go (you and ian go find his mom) (ian) hey mom Lena is going to spend the night (kara) ok that's fine (you) thank you❤️ (kara) np love we are going to eat dinner soon (you&ian) ok see you later you go to his room and cuddled with him for a little bit until kara calls us to eat we are at the table and I see Conner and Jayden and I give them a hug and say hi they hug back and I go and sit back down in the chair near ian and he holds my hand and kisses my hand you just look at him and smile at him🥰❤️
251 words

Just a girl in love (Ian's gf)Where stories live. Discover now