Part 6

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(I was looking at there videos and I know they don't make that many videos but let's just say they make videos on the weekends) (Kara) hey what's up haueter family today Lena and Ian are going to the store to get stuff for tonight (you&ian) oh ok (you) are we making dinner tonight (kara) you will just pick out what to eat (you and Ian Drive to the store) (you) hey haueter fam today we are going to make dinner I can't wait so let's go (you) ok first I need to go to the food section (then you get a text from Conner)
Conner 🤪😂
Hey buddy
Hey what's up
Conner 🤪😂
Nun just miss my BFF
Same I need to talk to you about something?
Conner 🤪😂
Sure what is it
Ian wants to have 👌👈 with me I know we been together for a 1 1/2 but I don't think I want to do it at your house the would-be weird what do I do Conner 🤨?
Conner 🤪😂
Well don't do it at my house please don't
Bro I know I would not do that
Conner 🤪😂
When ur ready he will be ready
You think
Conner 🤪😂
Yeah I know my brother
Yeah good point
(ians pov) I see Lena on the phone so I ask her what's she is doing)
(ian) what you doing baby (you) oh just texting Conner (ian) oh ok can we hurry up I want to go home (you) yeah all done (ian) ok let's get the food and go home
We get home and bring the food in and kara is making the food (ian) hey baby (you) yeah baby what's up (ian) I love you (you) aww I love you too

I did this to ian wall he was playing his game with his friends and he just hugged me and kissed me the whole time while playing the game (I was like aww my heart ❤️🤤 I love this dude so much) he was just so cute I just looked at him and kissed him and then I got off and ian just pulled me back on him (ian) Princess why are you leaving (you) I have to go to the bathroom
(ian) don't take too long (you) I can try (Ian) don't try just hurry (you left and went to conner's room) (you) hey Conner (Conner) hey BFF (you) how are you (Conner) I'm good and you (you) I'm good look at what I did with ian (Conner) ok sure (you show him what I did with Ian and Conner just laugh) (you) I love this so much I will talk to you later at dinner cause Ian will wonder where I'm at (Conner) ok bye love you see you later (you) love ya see you later (you walk into Ian's room and he is talking with max on the game and he did not see you so you go and you recorded and You did the challenge and he was scared at first but then he kissed you and hugged you when he lost it was so cute (Ian) what took you so long (you) I was talking to Conner why? (Ian) I missed you so much (you) I was gone for like 5 minutes (Ian) that a long time princess (you) I'm sorry can I say hi to max (Ian) how do you know it's max (you) I'm In the same room as you and I here max down the hall going crazy that he did not win and he only does that with you so that's how I know it's him (ian) wow you know us so well (you) I know now can I say hi plzzz 🥺 (ian) yeah go for it (you) hi max (max) hi Lena (you) how are you? (max) I'm good and how are you? (you) I'm good hey I'm going to give you back to ian and I will see you at dinner love ya (max) ok see you at dinner love u to 😂😂 (you) ok bye (max) bye (you give ian the headphones and he just laughed at you) you just kissed him and when to lay down on his bed and then soon fell asleep but someone woke you up for dinner it was ian (ian) hey  Princess it's time to walk up for dinner (you) I don't want to (ian) why not do you not feel good (you) I'm fine I'm just tired (ian) me to but we are not done with the video (you) yeah I know (ian) ok I will carry you if you want me to (you) yeah plz. (you get on Ian's back and he brings you to the kitchen to go eat) (kara) hey lena and hey ian (you&ian) hello (you) so what did you make with the food we bought (whatever you like to eat) (Ian) hey guys so my mom made (whatever you like to eat) and we will tell you how she did after we are done eating the food (after we're done eating) (you) hey guys this is after we are done eating (what you like to eat) and I really liked it, to be honest, it was really good and now I am going to ask ian if he liked it (you) hey baby did you like the food that your mom made and be honest (ian) I did like it, to be honest, it was really good we did good on what to choose for dinner (you) I know right ok I'm going to go ask your brothers if they liked it (you walk to max's room and knock on the door) (you) hey max's did you like the food that we picked out and you have to be honest ok (max) I really liked it (you) ok good hey I will talk to you later ok (max) ok bye love you  (you) bye love you too (you walk to Jayden room) (you) hey Jayden did you like the food that we picked out (Jayden) yeah it was good I really liked it (you) ok cool well that's all I wanted to know I will talk to you later (Jayden) ok bye (you) bye (you walk over to corners room) (you) hey Conner (Conner) hey best friend (you) hey did you like the food we picked out (Conner) can I be honest with you (you) umm yeah 🥺 (Conner) I loved it (you) oh I was like damn you don't like it I was like that's rude of you (Conner laughed the whole time) and you just hit him on his arm and left and went to ians room and opened the door and went over to him and ended the video with him ok guys that was today's video and I hope you enjoyed it today I love you guys and see you in the next video ✌️❤️

I hope you like this one what should Ian call you baby or princess give me some names there are1175words

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