Part 4

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(ian) I want to have some fun (you) baby I know you do but your family is here (ian) babyyyyyyyyy🥺 please (you) no baby (ian) fine he turned around and does not talk to you (you) baby are you ok please talk to me (ian said nothing) (you) fine I'm going to go you go to the door and open the door and close it and he gets up (btw you did not leave the room) he looks at you and kisses you after the kiss you lay down on the bed and he cuddled with you and then he said he was sorry (you) look it's ok I just think it not the right place (ian) yeah I'm sorry baby (you) its ok baby I love you (ian) I love you he gives you kisses on the neck and he gave you Hickey and when you woke up in the morning you looked in the mirror and I see the hickey on my neck I walk in the Kara room and ask for makeup to hide the hickey she gave it to me and I cover it up as best I can when I was doing my makeup Ian woke up and went to see me and he went to kiss my neck (you) ow that hurt (ian) are you ok (you) yeah you gave me a Hickey and it hurts (ian) I'm sorry baby (you) it's ok baby (ian) don't cover it up (you) why?🤷‍♀️
249 words

Just a girl in love (Ian's gf)Where stories live. Discover now