J.C Rodriguez

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Here I am. The hottest guy in school. This place just got saved . I got blonde hair and clear ocean blue eyes and super rich parents. I also got a locker next to the hottest girl in  Golden Bridge High. She has blonde princess curls and stormy gray eyes. Her name is Annabeth.

We go perfectly together. Hottest girl, hottest guy and blonde hair. How could we not? Even though she says she has a boyfriend in New York. I'm pretty sure she would dump him for me. That's why I'm gonna ask her out later during lunch but for now I have to show this new kid around
Wait, you think I actually want to do this? Well, I don't. I wanna hang around with my boys right now since it's free period. I still can't believe I'm being forced to do this.

As I approach the office I se this very attractive boy there. He has messy black hair and sea green eyes. Now there's probably competition for Annabeth . I guess I'll just have to make sure he doesn't try anything.

"Hey. What's your name?" I ask him.

"Hey. I'm new here. My name is Percy Jackson." He answers.

"Ok. I'm Julio Cristian Rodriguez. But everyone here calls me J.C. " I say extending my hand out. He shakes it.

"Did you get your schedule and locker combo?"

"Yeah. It's right here."

I look at the locker number: LN: 343. Oh no. He's right next to Annabeth. Hey, why don't I just politely warn him.

"Ok then your next to the hottest girl in school. Stay away from her."

"Um sure but what's her name?"

"Annabeth Chase"

Out of nowhere he just smiled like he knew her or something. 
                                      ~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~

Right when I walk in the first person I see is Annabeth.

"Well hey Annie, you, me, movies, I'll pick you up at 8."

I started walking away but she pulled me back.

"One: never call me Annie again. Two: I have a boyfriend in New York. So three: never in your life."

"Awwwww that's cute Wise girl." Said an unknown voice.

"Seaweed Brain!!!"

And she turns around to see Percy Jackson! And KISSES him. I stare dumbfounded. Then she sits at her table with her friends and says "Guys this is Percy. The one you guys thought was fake.

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