Jessica Nuñez

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Hello I'm Jessica Nuñez but you can call me Jessie. I'm the most unpopular girl in school right now.

Yet I have Percy Jackson as my best friend. I know. It's weird. Bet you're asking how can a guy so popular hang out with most unpopular kids? Well it wasn't really his decision. He was pretty much forced to pick us.
Right when he walked into school everyone stared at him. Next thing you know there's Amy asking him out and Percy rejecting her. Then he avoided them and came straight to us. By us I mean me, Layla, Josh, and Ben. I don't know how he got popular. Oh wait maybe I do. Let's see, he came to us, avoided them, joined the swimming team, yeah that's why.

Ok so he joined the swimming team, took us to championships and won.

Also I have a little secret. Um don't tell anyone but I kinda really like him. He say he has a "girlfriend in California" but he never has pictures. When he describes her she sounds too perfect for my taste. So everyone thinks she's fake.

"Hey Percy." I say when I see him waiting for me at my locker.

"Hey Jessie. You know you owe me a pencil right. You didn't give me my pencil back yesterday." Damn I forgot. I borrowed his pencil yesterday and never gave it back. So I pretty much stole his pencil.

"Um I kinda need it again for today. Sorry."

He sighed. "Fine but I better get back today. I only have one pencil left."

"Yes! Thanks Percy."

"Oh hey guys." He said as our friends were walking toward us. A chorus of "heys" greeted us back. Josh and Layla were a couple. We finally set them up on a date about a week ago and they've been together ever since. Layla has black hair like Percy's (only more organized) and brown eyes like me only she wears purple and black glasses. Josh has brown hair like mine and brown eyes too. Me and Ben are the only single ones in the group ( with Percy if he isn't lying about his girlfriend). Ben has blonde hair and blue eyes. I would say he's kinda cute if he wasn't my best friend since 4th grade.

We talk as we walk to class. When we get to where we break up, me and Percy start talking about the pencil issue. Pretty soon it turns into a heated friendly argument.

"But you asked if you could use the pencil not keep it forever." Percy said.

"Well sorry if I forgot!" I said. "Wait. Why are we talking about this. Didn't we already clear this up 5 minutes ago."

"Yeah but I was saying that you shouldn't keep it again tomorrow. Then I'm never lending you any my pencils." He said.

I turn around, disgusted. "What?! But Percy I need pencils and I don't have enough money to buy them. My mom never gives me any money. Please Percy, just for today."

"We'll see if I get my pencil back."

"Really that's how it is. Fine!"
I didn't talk to him for the rest of the period.

~~~~~~~~TIME LAPSE ~~~~~~~~

In third period math a new girl walked in. She had blonde princess curls and stormy gray eyes.

Another way to put it was: she was beautiful.

She introduced herself to the teacher. "Hi I'm Annabeth Chase. I just moved here from California."

"Great." said Mr.Dangam. "Sit next to ... Um ... Ms.Nuñez."

That's when I realized that I had an empty seat next to me. How did that happen? She sat next to me and took out her binder. She started taking notes. While Mr.Dangam was
talking about how to solve the math problem on the board Annabeth raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms.Chase?"

"Um the answer to the problem is wrong. It's supposed to be 64."

Mr.Dangam grabbed a calculator and did the problem there. "Well, yes Ms.Chase you're correct."
All I did was stare. I couldn't even find an explanation for what just happened.

Then the bell rang. Free period. Yes! I go to find Percy but not before I asked Annabeth if she would like to hang out with us.

"Sure, thanks."

When we find him he looks at Annabeth with surprise. And Annabeth at him. Meanwhile, I'm confused and silently hoping for her to be his long lost sister or something. But my dreams are crushed when she runs straight toward him and crashes into his lips.

That's when I started crying. I didn't even know I was crying until Percy asked "Why are you crying?" I started running to the janitor's closet and kept crying there. Then Ben walked in. As soon as he saw that I was crying even more than before he came towards me and held me like it was nothing. When I stopped crying I hugged him.

After the hug I look straight into his eyes and all the love I wanted to have was right there in his eyes. Before I knew it we were kissing.

We went back to our friends holding hands. When they saw us they cheered. Who knew the love of my life was going to be my best friend since 4th grade. And that he was right in front of me the whole time.

Hey guys. I just found out that 127 people have read this. I'm so happy right now. But before I finish this chapter I wanted to shout out: Booksfrlife for giving me this idea. Thanks and I didn't really describe Percy because I hope you know what he looks like. All of you guys.

Awesomeginelly22  finished this chapter. 📖❤️

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