[ COMPLETED ] [ uwu squad horror au! ]
7 girls trapped in an abandoned house , living each day in fear of not getting killed . will they be able to escape?
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A loud clap of thunder awoke the 7 girls who has all passed out. They each looked at each other in confusion until Yeona broke the silence by screaming out loud when another clap of thunder was heard.
"Hush, it'll be alright." Sooyoung reassured, patting the younger's back to calm her down and Yeona scooted closer to Sooyoung, now just hugging her sideways.
"Where are we?" Chanmi asked aloud, thought no one replied as none of them knew where the heck they were. "I swear to god, that motherf*cking coat guy probably kidnapped us!" Narin cursed loudly, only to be hushed by Ayano. "Okay, let's stay calm and think of what could've happened." Yuna said, trying to calm all the girls at once which was sort of not helping. Habin was sitting at a corner, sobbing while Yeona and Sooyoung was in another corner, huddled together. Narin and Chanmi, well, you know what those two are up to while Yuna and Ayano are just trying to calm everyone down.
The entire chaos was interrupted by loud, pounding footsteps that seems to be getting nearer after every second. All the girls froze in their spots, looking at the door as if to try see who it could be. The footsteps then stopped, seeming to be outside the door. Then, the door opened on its own to reveal no one there. "Well, there's no one there! Cheer up guys!" Yuna said, trying to get them look on the bright side while smiling nervously as if to show she was not shaken by that weird encounter.
"I suggest we get out of this room and try find the exit." Chanmi suggested, now standing up while Narin nodded along in agreement. "Good idea!" Yuna agreed too, making the 3 'babies' stand up too. "We should travel as a group, I don't want anyone lost." Ayano said in a stern voice, looking at each and every girl. They all gulped and nodded while Narin joking saluted, "yes ma'am!" Ayano didn't seem amused by that joke and decided to take the lead of the group. Yuna followed closely behind followed by the 3 and the two lovebirds at the back.
They then walked out of their room to see a dark hallway, barely illuminated by the wall lamps. "So, right or left?" Ayano asked, looking both directions to try determine which one seems to be the better option. "Right! Right is always right!" Narin cheerfully said, making everyone facepalm. "Right it is then." Yuna said reluctantly, they then turned to the right.
The walls were covered with red wallpaper with gold trimmings, seeming to have been worn out over time with its weak wall lamps attached to the wall. There weren't many doors here and seems to be alternate, one on the right then further down one on the left, each one the same shade of mahogany brown which then too, was worn out over time.
"It's cold around here." Sooyoung commented, shivering which made Yeona hug her as if to give her a bit of her warmth.
As if by magic, the sound of an organ rang through the entire place, making the girls jump at the familiar tune of the 'dun dun dun dun!' in Beethoven's 5th Symphony in C Minor.
Then the music stopped, a loud cackle echoed through the hallways, making the girls turn frantically to try find where the voice was coming from. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Ayano, being the braver one among the 7, demanded. "My my, have some patience my dears, I'll explain in due time~" the mysterious voice said in a coy manner as each of the wall lamps slowly went out, one by one.
"You are now in my game." was the last thing they heard before they blacked out once more.
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"Ugh, what happened?" Narin asked, finally waking up along with the others. "Seems like we are trapped in this cage." Yuna pointed out, eyeing the bars that were preventing them from escaping. "I doubt any of us are thin enough to pass through it." Chanmi mused.
The lights suddenly flashed, enveloping the room into darkness before lighting up again. What was different was that there was now a throne, not too far away from the cage they were in with the same black cloak man sitting on it, resting his 'chin' onto his hands, hunching forward as if in thought.
"Ah~ How have you been liking your accommodations, my little birdies?" He asked, the smirk evident in his voice. "Let us go." Yuna demanded, obvious anger raging in her eyes. Obviously, Habin, Sooyoung and Yeona were cowering in a corner with Ayano trying to comfort them.
"Ah~ So feisty~ I knew you seven would be fun to play with~"
"What do you mean?" Yuna questioned, now feeling confused.
"You see, I've kidnapped all of you to a place where no one can find you. Not even the authorities. Only one of you can escape, that is if you survive of course. Wait, no, you might never ever be able to escape this place."
"You're sick." Chanmi spat, glaring daggers at the unknown male before taking out her phone in an attempt to call the police. Her mouth fell open in shock when she saw that there was no signal. "What the heck? How?" She asked in disbelief.
The man then cackled, seeming to enjoy their confusion. "Now now ladies, I'll leave you to try escape this place...if you have the ability to." He said in a challenging tone, making all seven of them glare at him.
"Nothing we can't do, we'll escape with everyone safe and sound." Narin shot back.
"Well then, off you go."
Once again, they all passed out.
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