chapter 2

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BEWARE! IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TOWARDS GORE ETC, (in the first place, why r u even reading this book lol) YOU CAN SKIP THE NEXT CHAPTER :') let the killing begin

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Narin groaned when she finally came to. "Jesus Christ, this guy sure loves it when pretty girls like us faint." She joked, making the girls laugh.

The youngest out of all of them then burst into tears. "Ah...Yeonie, don't cry." Yuna said worriedly, trying to comfort the younger as Sooyoung was trying not to cry, mainly because she feels like crying after seeing Yeona crying.

"W-What if, I'll never see my parents again?" Yeona asked, tears now streaming down her cheeks as she buried her face into Yuna's shoulder whom patted her back comfortingly.

"I'll cry if you continue crying." Sooyoung said, her voice wavering which signaled that she was gonna cry too. "Aww you big babies," Ayano said, feeling her heart ache at this scene and enveloped the three into a hug.

"Me too!" Habin whined, joining in. Chanmi was about to join the group hug when Narin hugged her from behind, looping her arms around her waist as she pouted. "Don't leave meeee." Narin said, pouting, making Chanmi blush at their close proximity. "Now's not the time Narin!" Chanmi chided the younger female lightly.

After the group finished their tearful moment they finally exited the room, noticing that it was the same room they were placed in earlier when they woke up in the house. "This time let's go left." Yuna suggested, making the six nod and turn to the left. Soon, the hallways then branches out into 3 different directions.

"I guess we have to split up to find the exit." Ayano mused, looking to both sides. "Chanmi~! I'll go with you!" Narin piped up, grinning, seeming as if she was surrounded by a pink flowery aura you see in animes. Chanmi sighed and reluctantly agreed, the pair then went towards the hallway on the right.

"Well, I'm going to take the two babies to continue walking forward, you go with Habin, okay?" Ayano suggested, looking towards Yuna to gain her approval. "Okay." Yuna nodded, agreeing and went to the hallway on the left, Habin trailing closely behind her.

Ayano, Sooyoung and Yeona then continued walking straight. Of course, Yeona and Sooyoung were literally clinging onto each other while Ayano was trying to calm them down.

Habin and Yuna then met with another crossroad, one leads straight ahead and one goes to the right. "How many freaking hallways are there?" Yuna said exasperatedly. "W-we should split up." Habin stuttered, not being very confident with her plan. After all, she was scared to be on her own. Yuna thought for a moment then looking at Habin worriedly, "will you be alright?" She asked, after all, judging by what the mysterious man had said, it was actually best if they are never alone at any point in time. Habin nodded, after all, if she just so happens to find the main door then she can alert the rest and they can get out. Besides, they really have to get out as soon as possible.

"Okay then." Yuna reluctantly agreed, the two then split their ways.

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Meanwhile, Narin and Chanmi kind of had better luck compared to the others, though through out the entire time they were shamelessly flirting with each other. "Ooooo~ this looks like a foyer." Narin mused, looking down from the railing. They kind of found a huge door that opened to reveal this foyer like structure, though they were at the top with two staircases at both ends of the platform that winds down to what looks like a receiving area with a huge door in the center of the room below.

"Let's go check it out." Chanmi suggested. The two then hurried down the staircase on the right and rushed to the door, finding a note plastered on the side of the door. Chanmi tore it off and started reading it.

'Ah, if you are reading this, I must say, good job! Unfortunately, your efforts are futile, there is no way to escape from my domain. As I've said earlier, there is a slim chance when only one of you can survive or none at all actually! In truth, there kind of is a way to have all of you to survive and escape this place, but you have to be the last person alive to know that!

Remember when I said your efforts were futile? I wasn't lying. Ah, now one petal from the seven has fallen, what will you do?'

Chanmi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the last sentence, not knowing what the man meant. Her thoughts were then interrupted by a loud scream. The couple then turned their head to the direction they came from with their eyes widened, both thinking the same thing, 'what happened?'

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Ohohohoho, I wonder whose scream was it ;)
Y'all can drop your guesses here~

Also, something interactive for y'all since this is supposedly kinda an interactive fic

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Deadline: 1 December 2019
12a.m. UTC+8

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