[ COMPLETED ] [ uwu squad horror au! ]
7 girls trapped in an abandoned house , living each day in fear of not getting killed . will they be able to escape?
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Chanmi and Sooyoung both ran after the direction they saw the knights go to, stopping when they saw Yeona running towards them while crying. Chanmi immediately ran to the maknae, enveloping her into a hug and patted her head comfortingly though she has no idea why she was even being so sad. "What happened?" Chanmi asked softly while Yeona sobbed into her shoulder, staining the sleeve on her shirt. Sooyoung watched the two, shifting her weight from foot to foot, feeling rather awkward but yet couldn't help to feel a pang of jealousy.
"Ayano...she...she—" Yeona started, breaking down into tears again. "Hush hush." Chanmi said softly, still not getting what happened. Like, what happened to Ayano? Sooyoung walked over, trying to seem as calm as possible, "Yeona? What happened to Ayano? Spill." Yeona sniffed a few times, not bothering to comment about Sooyoung's firm tone. "She-she, she's being killed." She managed to say out, crying again. "Let's go see her." Sooyoung said, already dragging the two to the direction Yeona came from. "No!" Yeona yelled, digging her heels into the carpet to try make it harder for Sooyoung to pull her so that she would give up which she thankfully did.
Sooyoung huffed in defeat and crossed her arms. "Let's just go back." Chanmi suggested, trying to lift the mood as she put her arms around both girls' shoulders, technically leading them to their room. Throughout the entire time it was quiet, even Yeona who often whines about being hungry.
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"I can't believe that jerk lied to us! He said he wouldn't kill off anyone!" Chanmi ranted, sitting up from her bed as Sooyoung sighed, sitting down with Chanmi and looped an arm around her. Meanwhile Yeona lowkey wants to just tell her to shut up because she wants her sleep. Why? It was 11pm and Chanmi has been ranting for the past one hour. Really, all the running today wore out the maknae who tried to use her pillow and cover her ears in an attempt to try sleep.
Sooyoung literally didn't know what to do. She kind of wants to join in with Chanmi to discuss what they should do next but yet it is already rather late. "Erm, Chanmi? We should sleep now." She awkwardly said, pointing at Yeona whose back was turned against them. Chanmi sighed and nodded, letting out a gruff 'fine' before bidding the two goodnight as she dove under the covers, making Sooyoung sigh too, going to her own bed.
After a while, soft snores echoed around the room. Chanmi sighed, feeling uneasy, almost as if something bad was going to happen. She looked over to the other two who both seemed to be sleeping peacefully before slowly getting out of her bed lest she makes any sounds and exited the room to take a small walk.
After she closed to door softly, she turned around, finding herself being face to face with the black cloaked man. Her first reaction was to scream which made the man hesitate just for a moment before quickly disappearing into thin air, literally.
Yeona and Sooyoung opened the door in panic which made Chanmi fall to the ground since she was leaning on it for dear life. "OH MY GOD BRING WATER! NOW!" Sooyoung commanded frantically, kneeling down next to Chanmi to cradle her as she patted her back in an effort to calm her down. Despite the fact that Yeona was a tad bit annoyed by the manner Sooyoung was speaking to her, she did it anyways, bringing a glass of water to Chanmi who gulped it down in one go.
"What happened?" Sooyoung asked worriedly before adding, "we heard your scream."
"And you look rather pale too." Yeona randomly commented, which made Sooyoung glare daggers at her. "What? That's the truth!"
"That psychopath, he—" Chanmi started, capturing both girls' attention which thankfully stopped what might become a potential argument. "What did he do?" Sooyoung asked worriedly, her hand trailing up and down Chanmi's arm in an attempt to try calm her. "He suddenly appeared and scared me. I-I don't know what he wants to do but then he disappeared."
Yeona bit her bottom lip nervously, obviously now sort of panicking after hearing Chanmi's statement. Oh god, now he's going for Chanmi too? "Let's just get some rest." She suggested which made Sooyoung agree with her for once despite their friendship slowly waning out. Together they both helped Chanmi to her bed who was still in shock, turning off the lights before going to sleep too.
Sooyoung stayed at Chanmi's bedside, obviously worried. After all, after that attempt she felt a stronger urge to protect Chanmi. Once she was sure Chanmi was asleep, she brushed a lock of hair to Chanmi's side, fingers brushing against her temple before lingering for a short moment and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Don't worry Chanmi, I will protect you."
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i ' m sorry guys , i can ' t bear to kill chanmi —
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