Part 21 - What Now?!

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Well that is a massive relief to me. Finding out that I don't have the responsibility of a baby which means that my relationship is completely safe. I don't have to tell Kels a thing which makes me very happy. I'm going out with her for the rest of the day now - treating her to a day of shopping and also gives me a chance to celebrate the fact I didn't father a mistake. She doesn't need to know that part. She just needs to know I'm taking her out because I love her and want to make her feel special.

The baby is Jay's problem now and he should have been more careful. I mean, how is he going to cope with a baby if he can't even hide his emotions. If he breaks down every single time someone mentions 'Lizzy's' name while he is in the same room as us, then he will never be able to cope with the emotional stability required to be a parent to his own son. He is going to need a lot of help and I don't know if we can be the people to offer it to him.

As I approached the station I noticed Kelsey's blonde hair and stunning smile almost immediately. I walked over to over and embraced her from behind, with a smile placed across my face.

"Alright babe?" I whispered gently in her ear causing her to jump slightly. She turned around and looked at me, still smiling;

"You scared me Tom..."

"Sorry Kels. So, where do you wanna go first?"

"Maybe to get something to eat?" she suggested and I nodded in agreements. Taking her hand in mine, we walked off towards the town in order to find something to eat.


How can she do this to me?

How can she tell me that she doesn't love anymore. After everything we've been through, she's just leaving me with nothing. She doesn't want me to see our son...why did I have to throw her out on the street? I could be spending time with my son right now, but instead I'm sat here wondering when the hell I will actually get to see him. I'm such a twat. I mean, I ruin everything.

I drove her into the arms of my bestfriend and now I've driven her all the way back to Bolton. That's reduced the chance of me even seeing my son down to zero. I'm sure she doesn't even care. I mean she has her family around her, supporting her with every decsion she makes while I'm sat here trying to figure out where it all went wrong for us. I thought we were going to always be together but it looks like I was wrong about that one. I'm just a fool in love and nothing will change what I feel about Lizzy...she is the mother to my son and she is the only person who ever made me truely happy. I miss her so much and I just want to go back to the beginning. Back to before it all went wrong. Back to before things got complicated between us.

How am I going to manage with all this pressure on me? I've lost the love of my life, my son and if I'm not careful; then I'm going to lose all my best friends as well. All this's too much for me to cope with right now. The day I got into the band was nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. I feel like my life isn't worth living anymore. I just can't go on like this...I have to make a choice. I have to make it now...


I feel so sorry for Jay. He has taken this all thing really badly. He needs to see Lizzy and he needs to see Nath...he needs to know that he's still important to both of them. Right now, he feels pretty worthless and I'm worried about what he is going to do next...

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