- Day twenty-one -

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You open your eyes and sigh. You yawn and sit up, stretching. You walk out of your tent. You looked down at the bucket of fish you forgot about. You expected to be hungry like how you usually were in the morning. That was weird but you didn't mind. It meant less work. You walked down to the river and took off your shoes and socks, and rolled up the bottoms of your pants.
(If your wearing pants, that is.)
You dipped your feet the the cool water and you instantly woke up from that. You shivered from the cold and took your feet out of the water. You slipped your socks and shoes back in and rolled the bottom of your pants back down.
(Again, if your wearing pants and not like a skirt or shorts.)
You stood up and took a deep breath and looked at your surroundings. Trees, grass, rocks, water, Snufkin, bridge, wait- Snufkin? You looked at the bridge to see Snufkin resting him arms on the railing, watching you. You quickly rushed over to him. "Snuf what are you doing out here? You don't wanna get even more sick do you?" You asked, pushing him towards Moomin house. "Calm down Y/N, Moominmama said I was well enough to come out here for a little bit." He said, placing a hand on your shoulder, stopping you from pushing him. "Oh.. that's a relief." You say. He takes his hand off your shoulder and lightly coughs into his elbow twice. You frown at him and he rolled his eyes. "That's normal. Don't worry to much, alright
Y/N?" He said, giving you a soft smile. You sighed and nodded.

Your POV

Snufkin looked down at me with a confident look on his face. You rose an eyebrow and smirked. He took your hands in his like how he did the other day. "Remember when I said there was someone I wanted you tell you?" He asked. You gasped. You had completely forgot about that. You nodded and he smiled. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay Y/N..I" He took another deep breath and opened his eyes. "I'm not sure how to say this but..I really, like you.." he says, half smiling in his charming way. Your eyes widened and you blushed. This was the moment you've been waiting for the moment you met him. "I..you..like.." you stumbled on your words, trying to say you liked him too. He chuckled and before you knew could properly say you liked him back, you left a pair of soft lips crash onto yours. You were shocked but then melted into the kiss. He pulled away. You just stared at him.
"I assume you were meaning to say "I like you too?"" He smirked. You giggled and nodded, and wrapped your arms around his stomach, hugging him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you too. You let go. "Yeah.. I like you too." You said, finally being able to get the words you. You chuckled and he smiled. "So.. does this mean we are like..a thing now? I don't know how this 'love' thing works." You giggled. He smiled. "I don't have any experience either. I suppose if you want to be it's up to you." He answers. You gasp dramatically. "What? I thought the almighty Snufkin knew everything." He rolls his eyes and put his lips together, trying to hide his smile. "Alright well, yes." You say. He gives you a confused look. "Yes what?" He asks, titling his head slightly, like a confused puppy.
"Yes, I would like to be your girlfriend." You stated confidently. He chuckled. "Then its settled. How do you suppose we tell the Moomin's?" He says, looking in the direction. "Lets let them figure it out on their own." You giggle. He smirks. He lifts you up bridal style. "Hey, hey take it easy Snufkin, your still sick. What if you fall in the freezing river, you could die if you did." You say, trying to persuade him into sitting you down. He looks at you. "Well I'm not going to be in the river. But you are." He says. "What?" You ask, before gasping with realization. "Snufkin don't you dA-" you scream the last part as you feel yourself drop into the freezing river. You swim to the top and quickly walk out. "Snufkin! You'll pay!" You yell, starting to run toward him. He giggles and starts to run toward Moomin house while you chase him. You both run into the house and around the coffee table and as Moominmama, who was sitting on the couch, grabs your arm, making you stop chasing the fellow vagabond and making Snufkin stop running and regain his breath. "Why are you chasing him?" Moominmama asks, letting go of you. "He threw me in the river." You say, crossing your arms. She looked at you, watching you drip onto the floor. She giggled and stands up. You all laugh and Moominmama hands you a dress to change into until your clothes dry. You look down at the dress. You weren't a huge fan of dresses but it was better than freezing wet clothes.
(Or maybe you do like dresses, if you do then just ignore that part.)
You walked up the stairs and into the bathroom, changing into the dress. You looked at your reflection.

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