the ''suicide''

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     "Okay Emma, make sure your suicide note sounds legit. I know how much of a dumb ass you are so imma need to proof read." Haven said as she flipped her brown hair and straightened out her two page suicide note to get ready to staple it. "It sounds perfectly legit. i literally said three sentences."

     "How is that legit!?"

     "Listen! Here it is... Hey mom and dad, i love you but, yall are all assholes sometimes. So i decided to end my life because i cant spell change and that proves that im kinda dumb and ill probably end up working at mcdonalds. So, i am taking a ton of advil and viagra to have an od and going somewhere in the woods to die so you never find my body."

     "As dumb as that note is it matches you, so i say its believable." Haven decided to spare some time and not read hers out. "Okay, so make sure you actually steal the two pills so they think you took some. And i think we are ready to go, i have two hundred dollars so do you. We have plenty to get an uber to atlanta and then buy tickets for the soonest plane to korea. You ready?"

    "mhmm, lets go."

   They both left their notes on the couch of their drama teacher, Mr. White's, classroom couch and walked out of the school to walk to mcdonalds. They would then get picked up by an uber and ride to atlanta. you know their plan from there.

    Once they got to Atlanta Haven went to the airport and bought some tickets to south korea. Their plane would take off at 8am the next day. "well its six pm now and i dont wannaa waste money on a hotel, so lets just sit in a starbucks and drink coffee until it closes." They brown headed girl spoke again. "Where are we gonna sleep then?" The other girl asked with wide eyes.

     "There is a park near here that stays open all night, we can sleep in the big bathroom stall." The red head virgin wouldve said something back but she didnt have any better plans so she just shrugged. "Okay bet, come on hooker, lets go to starbucks."

    Emma got a caramel frappe while haven got a skinny vanilla latte. They stayed their until 10pm when it closed and then walked to the park haven was talking about. It was about a thirty minute walk from where they started. But the night air was cool, and the walk was pleasant.

     "So this is it. The start of our new lives..." Emma sighed and looke down, her hands in her hoodie pocket. "Yep. We get to completely start over." Haven was a lot less worried about this than emma was.

    "wait, our plan was to fake suicide and become strippers... we are 13..."

Haven stopped... " i didnt think about that, when we get to korea we will just fast foward until we are twenty, but only us will age bc im writing a book and i can do that.

"oh, okay. Lets sleep then, the caffine is starting to wear off."

     Once they got to the park bathroom, they layed down with the blankets they brought and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Emma Is Gonna Kill HerselfWhere stories live. Discover now