Yancy's Note

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I walked towards Yancy's cell door. The key luckily had the cell door number on it, so it wasn't too hard to find.

As I approached the door I felt something in my stomach. It made me feel sick, like someone was scratching away at the insides of my stomach with a knife. I felt so sick, sweat was pouring off of me. Not the best state to be in, but I needed answers.

I put the key into the lock and turned it. As I opened the door, I waited for Yancy to appear in front of me. But he was nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a note on the inside of the door.

"Be back soon ;3" I could almost hear him saying that and blowing a kiss towards the guards. Not very manly, but definitely something he would do.

I closed the cell door and locked it again.

I started to make my way back to my cell, only to be met with the guard I had upset. Oh no... This is gonna be fun.

Hello friends,

Sorry it's a short chapter today. Been really busy with my jobs (I have 2) and haven't had time to write the past 2 days. I will try and update again tomorrow, and don't worry, you'll see Yancy again soon lol! 😂

Thanks friends,

Prison Bride - Yancy X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now