Andy Hurley/Drum Practice 2

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(Andys Pov)

"Guys what if she doesn't like me I mean I meeting up with her at 12 for lunch!" You said pacing around the studio.

"Dude chill I bet she LOVES you." Joe said sitting on the couch.

"Can wait to see if they bang." Pete said with a chuckle.

"Pete I swear if you say another word my fist will be in your face in about two seconds." You said glaring at Pete as he laughed.

"No but seriously you'll be fine just have fun, I know what to do because in married." Patrick said standing up and patting your back.

"Thanks guys." You said sitting down beside Pete and Joe.

"I knew I was gonna get a thanks." He said smiling. Then you punched his arm.

"Owww." He said rubbing his arm.

"Next time it will be your face." You said leaving the room.

(Time skip)
(Your pov)

You woke and heard you phone buzz on the table beside your bed

(Andy's text) (your texts)

Hey! I'm gonna be at your house in about a hour so be ready.

Okay I will.

You sent that text and jump out of your bed.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!" You cursed as you ran to your closet and pulled out dark blue jeans and a black and white shirt.

You brushed your hair out a bit, shredded your pj and hopped in the shower.

You got out maybe 5 minutes later and blow dried you hair and put it in a bun.

You put on light makeup because you were just going to lunch and pulled on you gold painted slip-on vans.

(Time skip till Andy gets there)

Hey I'm outside😁

Okay let me grab my bag then I'll be outside


You rushed to find your bag and then you ran outside to Andy's car.

"Hey Y/n, you look nice." Andy said smiling at you.

"Well I try." You said with a giggle

"You look great everyday." Andy said switching the gear into drive.

"Thanks Andy." You said clicking your seatbelt.

You guys started driving then your favorite song 18 by Anarbor.

"Omg omg omg I love this song." You said bouncing up and down in your seat.

"Well sing it." Andy said turning up the radio.

"18, crazy, pulled up in your daddy's car. Said you wanna move in with m-." You sang then


To be continued...

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