Part 13

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(At lunch)

I was sitting with Alli and Joey and we were talking about lord knows what.
"Hey," Katie said and sat at the table with us.
"Hi," I said and both Joey and Alli looked at me weird.
"So did you talk to Zach for me?" Katie asked and I shook my head.
"I completely forgot and we had a test in second block," I said and Katie sighed.
"It's fine, I'll probably just figure it out myself," Katie said and Zach walked by the table.
"Wait, figured what out?" Alli asked.
"I miss Zach, and Im trying to get back together with him," Katie said and I felt sick.
"You can't get back together with him," I said and Katie raised an eyebrow.
"Why not?" Katie questioned.
"Because, Zach has another girlfriend already," I said and Zach sat at the table next to me. Jonah and Jack sat near Joey and Katie looked at Zach.
"Zachy, do you have another girl already?" Katie asked.
"Yes and she makes me really happy," Zach said and felt up my leg, under the table.
"Oh..." Katie sighed.
"Y/N can we still hang out at your place after school?" Katie asked and I shook my head.
"I'll call you later tho," I said and the end of lunch bell rang. I walked to my next class as quickly as I could when someone came up next to me and intertwined our hands. I looked at Zach and pulled my hand away.
"Meet me by your car after?" Zach said and I nodded. Zach hugged me quickly before running off. I smiled and noticed Katie standing by the door of my next class.
"Are y'all two?" Katie questioned.
"You saw that?" I asked and she nodded.
"I thought your parents where together?" Katie questioned.
"They are,but they kicked us out because Im pregnant and I don't know if its Joey's or Zach's...." I said with a sigh at the end.
"I know how that feels," Katie said and I gave her a weak smile.
"When I found out that Jonah wasn't the father then I knew it was Zach," Katie said and the late bell for the class went off.
"Hey how about we go back to my apartment and talk about this more?" I asked and Katie nodded. We walked out the school to my car. We drove to my apartment and didn't say a word the entire ride. Once we got to the apartment I went to the kitchen to get two waters. I passed Katie one as we sat on the couch.
"So you and Zach live here together?" Katie asked.
"Yeah, we got it for a good price," I said and took a sip of my water.
"So when are you gonna find out who the father is?"Katie asked and my phone flashed on, it was text from Zach.

"So when are you gonna find out who the father is?"Katie asked and my phone flashed on, it was text from Zach

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"Hello?" Katie said snapping me out of my thoughts after texting Zach.
"Oh yeah, um today,"I stuttered and there was knock on the door.
"Its open," I shouted and the door opened. Joey and Alli walked in and looked at Me the Katie.
"What's going on here?"Alli asked and Joey shut the door
"Nothing, we're just talking," I said and got up to hug them.
"Ok? About what?" Alli asked and Katie got up.
"We were talking about Zach, and I can see Im not wanted so Im just gonna call an uber," Katie said and the door opened again. Zach, Jack and Jonah walked in. Zach looked at Katie then at me.
"Y/N?" Zach said and Jonah looked at Katie.
"Zach can we talk?" I asked and he nodded. Zach followed me to our room and shut the door behind us.
"What is Katie doing here?" Zach whispered yelled.
"I was trying to convince her not to ask you out again," I said and Zach sighed.
"What makes you think I'll choose Katie over you?" Zach said and I shrugged.
"You've done it before," I said and looked at the floor.
"I wouldn't have if you would've told me how you felt," Zach said and I looked up at him with a smile. I hugged him and he kissed my forehead.
"Ok, we have an appointment to get to," Zach said and intertwined our hands.
"Yeah we should get going," I said and we left the room to see everyone but Jonah and Katie.
"Jonah left to take Katie home," Jack said from the couch.
"Ok well we have to get going, so Jack you can stay here if you want, but don't eat all of the food," Zach said and Alli smiled at Jack.
"Ok then lets go," I said and the three of them followed me out of the apartment. Zach and I go got in his car, while Joey and Alli got in Joey's car. We drove to the hospital and waited for the longest time to get signed in.

Joey, Zach and I were all sitting in a room waiting for the doctor. Alli left to go to the 7 eleven across the street. None of us were talking, Its been like this.
"Whatever happens today, Im sorry," I said breaking the silence.
"Its fine Y/N," Joey said and the door opened. The doctor walked in and looked at me then at the guys.
"So do you have an answer?" Joey asked.
"Yes, sorry" The doctor said and flipped through her papers.
"Zachary Herron is the father," The doctor said and Zach looked at me with a smile. I smiled back and Joey sighed.
"Congratulations," Joey said, rolling his eyes slightly.
"Dude, Im sorry," Zach said and Joey hit his hand off the wall.
"No you're Not Zach, you never were you were gonna take her from me not matter how I felt," Joey shouted.
"That was the fucking plan, and don't blame me for you catching feelings," Zach shouted.
"I didn't just catch feelings Zach, I care about her, I was her only support," Joey yelled.
"Can you two, stop it," I demanded and they looked at me.
"I was in love with Zach first, and you knew this, So stop fighting over me like a fucking object," I shouted and got up to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" Zach asked.
"Somewhere away from you two," I said and walked out to Alli.
"Hey, what happened?" Alli asked and I felt tears forming.
"Those to idiots, wont stop fighting," I said and a tear fell down my cheek.
"You wanna come to my place for the night?" Alli asked.
"No, Joey will show up," I said and Alli nodded.
"Im just gonna get an Uber to My mom's," I said and Alli hugged me.
"I'll take care of them," Alli said and I left the hospital to go to my mom's house. When I got there Josh opened the door.
"Hey, hun what are you doing here?" My mom asked when she came to the door.
"Getting away for alittle bit," I said and they let me in. I hugged my mom and she hugged back. I cried into her embrace and she rubbed my back.
"Its ok," My mom said and kissed my temple.
"You can stay as long as you want," My mom said and I nodded. She let go of me and I walked up to my old room. She followed me and explain how she turned mine and Zach's rooms into guest room, I was ok with it. My mom gave me another hug before leaving and closing the door. I layed on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I eventually fell asleep.

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