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Scientists have discovered a method to peer into your past lives. Through this method they have also discovered that phobias are directly related to how you died in this past life. You have a fear of clowns.

Everyone in my family was in the living room gathered around the TV. The networks we're about to broadcast a story about a scientific breakthrough relating to reincarnation. Weather you believed in reincarnation or not you were watching this announcement. After giving formal introductions and they had some small talk, a scientist started to share his research.

The scientist cleared his throat, the began to speak, "Through years of trials and test we have finally discovered that reincarnation is real. I won't go into all the details now but we have published our work if you would like to view it later on. From our research we have also discovered that the fears that we have now directly related to our previous death." He took a moment from talking to let the information sink in.

After about a minute of silence he cleared his throat once again. He took a deep breath and continued talking, " We have developed a machine that lets a person see how they died in their past life, but they can only view their death and nothing else. A couple years ago when we started our research, we asked random people if they would like to see how they died. Many said yes, so we got their contact information. We are letting those select few people be the first of the public to experience the machine. At a later date we will let other members of the public use this machine as well. That is all I have to say for now."

The scientist said goodbye and the news anchor closed the segment and went on to the next portion of the show.

After the scientist left, I sat back in my chair with a blank expression on my face. I vaguely recall being asked for a survey about whether I wanted to know about my death in a previous life or not. I thought it was a silly question seeing as I didn't believe in reincarnation at that time, so I said yes. I can't believe that I will find out how I died, this is going to be interesting.

As I was deep in thought I jumped when I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. It was an unknown number, normally I would ignore it, but it could be the scientist. I clicked answer and held the phone up to my ear. " Hello?" I asked, but there was no response, so I asked again. "Hello, anyone their?" Again there was no response. I was about to hang up when I heard laughter on the other end of the line. It was such a sinister laugh, one that sent chills up my spine. Building up my courage and thinking that this was a prank I responded to the laughter with a serious and stern time. "Whoever you are, you aren't funny, please don't call this number again." With that I hung up the phone and started watching a comedy movie.

About five minutes into the movie my phone rang again. I looked at the number and there was no caller ID. It was probably just those dumb kids trying to continue their stupid prank. I declined the call and focused back on my movie.

Suddenly, all power in my house went out. I got up to outside and check the breaker. I was annoyed that my movie got cut off at a good point. First kids try to play a prank on me, now I have reset my power. Could this night get any worse?

When turned the corner of the house I froze. The breaker had been smashed and standing next to it were three men dressed in clowns costumes. The one with blue and red makeup was holding a baseball bat, the one with green and yellow makeup had a crowbar, and the one with purple and blue makeup had a lug wrench. They were all facing away from me, talking in low voices, and laughing. I know that laughter, its what I heard on the phone not long ago.

I decided that talking probably wasn't a good idea, so I started to slowly walk away. As took a step back, my foot slipped and I fell in a pile of dead leaves. The sudden noise causes the clowns to turn and look at me. I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear. The one with purple and blue makeup took a step towards me and snapped me out of my frozen state. I got up and ran back into my house as quickly as I could. I went throughout my house locking all windows and doors.

When I was absolutely positively that they weren't going to be able to get in. As I did my final check, making sure everything is locked, doors are barricaded, and all the curtains are closed, my phone began to ring. It was the same unknown number as before. I was scared, I almost declined the call, but my curiosity got the better of me.

"Hello?" I asked with a trace of fear in my voice. There was silence on the other end. I tried again with a little more confidence this time"Hello, is there anyone there?" Again silence, I was about to hang up when I heard the laughter again. It sent shivers down my spine. I stood frozen just listening to the laughter, then all of the sudden, it stopped. Not even three seconds had passed before blood curdling screams came from the other line.

I hung up as quick as I could, but I still heard the screaming. I ran to the closest widow and threw open the curtains. There, with only an inch of glass between us was the clown with green makeup holding a girl with blood coating her face and matted hair. She looked as if she had been beaten, she was barely alive. The clown pulled her hair harshely and she screamed, the same scream I heard on the phone.

I look of horror was plastered on my face as the clown pulled out a pocket knife and slit the girls throat. The blood flowed quickly from her neck as she gasped for air. A few seconds passed before she fell to the ground , dead. The clown looked down at her body, then back at me. He pointed at the girl, then at me, and dragged his thumb across his neck, signaling that what happened to her was going to happen to me.

The sound of glass breaking could be heard from the kitchen. I ran over to see what it could be. I stood in the doorway, looking the decapitated head that had just been thrown through the window. In side of its mouth was a piece if paper. Against my better judgement, I took the paper from its mouth and read what was on it. 'You shouldn't have answer the phone.'

As terrified as I was, the note have me an idea, call for help. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I dialed 911 and told the operator everything that had happened. They said that they were sending police to my house immediately and asked that I stay on the phone. I was so focused on the call, I didn't hear the footsteps behind me. I continued to talk until I felt a hand rap around my head and cover my mouth.

Their hand muffled my screams. The clown with red makeup stomped on my phone, while the one with green makeup tied up my hands and legs. The one covering my mouth, let go and replaced his hand with duck tape. After I was completely restrained, all three clowns stood in front of me. They began to take turns beating me. First, five hits with the baseball bat, next three hits with the crowbar, then four hits with the lug wrench. With every hit I could feel different bones breaking, I could feel the blood coming from my body.

Eventually, they dropped their weapons and began to kick my stomach, stomp on my arms and legs, and finally with one swift kick to the head, everything faded to black.


I woke up to doctors and my family gathered around me. One doctor spoke, "So how was the experience?" I sat up in my bed and looked around. Lying to my side was the goggles that I used to watch my death. "It was more gruesome that I imagined."  My family looked at me with concern. I just smiled at them and told them that I was fine and that I didn't feel any different.The doctors said that I was free to go after they ran some more tests, just to make sure that I was mentally okay.

After completing the test I was allowed to leave with my family. When I walked out of the building I was met with a bunch of press asking about my experience. I told them that I was grateful to have been one of the ones chosen to go through the experience and I'm happy that I finally know why I had what I had thought was an irrational fear. As the press continued to barrage me with questions I noticed three figured standing in the back. Each of them wearing different colored clown makeup. I recognized them immediately, though they looked quite a bit older than when I last saw them.

I could never the faces of the men that killed me

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