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Fandom - Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia

Boku no Hero Academia © Kohei Horikoshi

Editor/Contributor - The-Rended (DeviantART and Quotev)



The sweltering heat of embarrassment swallowed (Name)'s entire form as his <e/c> orbs darted about the empty container. Scanning and searching for the hero costume as if it were tucked away into a secret pocket, Sero and Kirishima were trying to offer support but were largely disregarded. The embarrassment quickly faded to anger, bumping shoulders with the two boys as (Name) stormed out of the dressing room. Kaminari, who was standing at the entrance, tried to ask why the Dane was still in full uniform when the electric wielder faltered. Watching as the boy's glare morphed from his usual eye colour to a glowing white, he visibly swallowed. Sidestepping out of the way before he was barrelled down, he avoided the stomps of the pissed teen.

(Name) ignored the stares and murmurs from his fellow peers, feeling the fire of anger light up within his chest. There weren't many students who were completely suited up, but that didn't mean they hadn't seen the hot anger in his eyes. Scanning for the hulking hero, it wasn't hard to spot the twin upright tufts of blond hair. All Might, finding him in company sat with the green-hued Izuku. The height difference between the two was nearly laughable, though it would be more so if (Name) were in a leveled mood. The growing curiosity helped calm him a little, his white glare cooling to his usual <e/c> hues.

"Excuse me, All Might," (Name) coughed for the hero's attention, catching on how the two conversing grew nervous. He kept silent on the fact. "I have a problem, it has to do with my hero costume."

"What's wrong, Young (Last Name)?" Turning his full attention to the international student, All Might became intrigued.

"My hero costume is missing, and I don't have a spare suit, either." The No. 1 hero stilled to the words.

"Let's contact Mr. Principal-"


Midoriya's shout interjected All Might's sentence with alarm, the Dane dropped his gaze to the bandage on his finger--only to find it burning with a small flame that was slowly engulfing most of his hand. The heat from his rage before fueled the fire from his quirk, keeping it lit. All Might was quick to put out the fire with short, strong puffs, however. The group watching as the charred bandage fluttered to the ground, the blackened ends hardened. Making the smallest of noises when landing on the tile flooring. (Name) only stared. What was originally a yellow bandage was now completely charred and unrecognizable. He interrupted the short quiet.

"We should go see Mr. Principal."

"Ah, yes, you're right. Follow me." (Name) hadn't missed the concerned look the hero and the green-haired student gave one another as he was lead away. Though, as before, he remained quiet.

Following behind the muscled hero, he kept silent as he eyed the residual glow from his quirk. The red hues almost comforting to him, his mind continued to spiral. This was one of the few times that (Name) was in the grey, not knowing what was happening or how to fix the situation.

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