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Fandom - Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia

Boku no Hero Academia © Kohei Horikoshi

Editor - www.quotev.com/Wingweeper98

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Shouta had no choice but to listen to Hizashi's doting over the sound of cloth being removed from over his ears. Once they were uncovered, his eardrums gave a slight pop where a small grunt followed. Of course, HIzashi thought this was a sound of pain and asked Recovery Girl to heal him. But once the blonde lover was waved off, Shouta was finally rid of his facial wraps. Breathing in a fresh breath of air, Aizawa was glad that the suffocating gauze was finally goneーat least for now. He bent forward, allowing himself a slight slouch as he cracked a stiff neck.

"Just as I predictedーa scar's formed. Luckily, it's only a minor one, so there isn't any need to fret," spoke Recovery Girl.

"Still as handsome as ever, Shouta~" Hizashi winked, quite delighted that his lover was healing well.

"By next week, you shouldn't have any need for the bandages any more." Shuzenji added while unraveling the length of gauze protecting Aizawa's elbow. She inspected it for a short while before planting an exaggerated kiss on the outside of the healing scar.

"That's good to hear." Came a nonchalant reply by the ebony-tressed teacher, "that also means that (Name) will be moving in next week as well."

A surprised gasp came from Yamada which was soon followed by a saddened look. It seemed he forgot about the trade-off they'd talked about some time before.

"You're taking my son from me!" A sniffle, "it'll be so lonely without (Name) home..."

"You act as if you don't already drop by uninvited," Shouta deadpanned. A long sigh pushed past dry lips, "you and him will be allowed visits with one another. Don't act as if he'll be under house arrest."

Shouta watched as another grin stretched across Hizashi's features until it suddenly dropped. A rather deliberate thought overtaking his aura for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, the door slid open. The three adults looked up at their new visitor. Entering through the threshold was a third year student. The soft chime from her wrist signalled her entrance.

"Uhm, excuse me, but is Eraserhead here?"

The blue-haired girl from before, Hanamori, announced her presence. Just recently with the distressed Dane in one of the gym grounds, she wore a concerned look.

"And you are?"

The girl, clearing her throat, averted her eyes from the shirtless underground hero.

"I am Hanamori Yui: student of 3-A. I was informed by other pro heroes that fires on campus cannot extend up to eight feet tall if it were caused by a quirk under strict school code. Is this true?"

"If the fire is within thirty feet of a school building, yes." Shouta sat up some. "Why? What have you found?"

"One of your students created an impressive ten-foot tall fire at the warehouse near Ground Beta."

The sound of one of his students disobeying the rules, Aizawa frowned.

"Who was the student?" Yui paused for a moment.

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