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Hinata's P.O.V~
As soon as I walked into the party I realized, this is my first party, well except for birthday party's...... But I don't think they count. What am I even supposed to do at a party? Dance? I can't dance.... Maybe I can find some people to talk to..
I walk further into the party, I can't recognize anyone, their all wearing costumes!! Didn't Naruto say that he would be showing up? I looked around to try and find him, it would help if I ever found out what costume he was going to wear.
*Sigh* I found a chair and decided to sit down. I didn't realize that it would be so hard to be at a party.
Naruto's P.O.V~
I ran into the party, I saw tons of people dancing and walking around but it's hard to tell who's who with all these costumes.
Wait, didn't Hinata say that she was going to be Red Riding Hood?! Okay, okay, I'll look for her.
I walked into a large group of people frantically looking. She wouldn't be on the dance floor, she's too shy. I left the mob and continued to look.
THERE! I found her! She's sitting down in a chair right outside a large group of people.
I walked over and she looked up at me. Wow, she has really pretty eyes...... Wait, no, stay on topic. Uh I can't talk so what do I do? Wave, yep I'll just wave... Cause that's totally not a creepy thing to do while in a wolf costume.
Hinata's P.O.V~
Oh look, a wolf. Well I mean it does compliment my costume.
They waved at me so I stood up and waved back.
"Hi!" I yelled over music. They didn't respond but they pointed at me and then at the dance floor.

"Oh, no, I don't dance." The wolf scratched their head and than pointed a finger up to signal that he had an idea.

They grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the dance floor. Even though the music that was playing was club music we slow danced.

"Who are you?"

Naruto's P.O.V~
WHAT AM I DOINGG! I'm supposed to being asking her for help, and yet I'm here dancing with her. Although, I've never seen her without her passing out, so this is nice.

"Who are you?" So far I've been using hand gestures to communicate, maybe it's best that it's best that I just don't tell her.

I shook my head 'no'.

"Fine, than I won't tell you my name." Haha, well okayyy. I put my pinking up to show a pinky promise. She accepted and we continued to dance.

We danced for a while and then we sat down.

Hinata looked up at the clock,"Oh, no, I have to be home soon."

I looked up at the clock,' 11:35' wow it got late quick...

I signaled 'What time?"

"What time do I have to be home?" I nodded.

"12:00" I stood up and reached my hand out. She took my hand and I walked her home. We walked extremely slow and by time we got to her house it was 11:59.

"Before I leave, can I please see under your mask?" She asked. I looked at the clock again,'12:00' I knew that it wouldn't come off, but I grabbed the sides and tugged.

It came off..

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