Mission Assignments

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**So the video has nothing to do with the story, but I thought it was adorable, plus Perfect Two is my favorite song

Naruto's P.O.V~
"NARUTOOO!" I woke up and a heard someone banging at my door and yelling my name.

I rub my eyes and look at the time..'10:30'

Why am I awake so early? I put my feet on the floor and walked towards the door.

"Eh! Cold floor! Cold floor!" I opened the door to an annoyed pink headed girl.

I yawed," Sakuraa-channnWhy did you wake me up?" I whined and then leaned my head against the door ledge and closed my eyes.

"Well, one, because it's 10:30, and two, because all of us have a meeting today with Lady Tsunade."

"A meeting? When were you going to tell me about this?" My eyes stayed shut and I yawned again.

"I told you last week that we had a meeting on Novemeber 25th." I opened my eyes to see how annoyed she was, and on a scale of 1-10, it was definitely over 9,000...

"Ugh, fine, I'll go. What time?"

"12:00, and it's not like you had a choice anyway , so get dressed and I'll see you there." She then stormed off, I'm surprised that she didn't hit me... Maybe she's becoming nicer..

I got changed and ate breakfast, this meeting better be worth getting up early for..

Hinata's P.O.V~

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the calendar besides my bed.

Circled in red was ' Meeting today~ 12:00' I looked at the time and it looks like I have plenty of time to get ready and eat.

I wonder what this meeting is all about.

3rd Person P.O.V~

Once it was close to 12:00, Shinobi from Naruto's graduating class gathered into Lady Tsunades small office and awaited instructions.

"Good afternoon everyone." Lady Tsunade announced,"This year we're going to test out a team building exercise, if I call your name please stay, if I don't, then you may return home."

She then pulled out a list of names and read them one by one.

" Sakura, Ino, Kiba, Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, Hinata, and Si. The rest of you may take your leave now."

As the room filed out, the remaining eight stayed.

"Now I'm going to explain to you the assignment. You eight will be split up into groups of four. There will be two houses and each group will stay in one house. You'll be staying at these houses for a total of 3 months starting December 19th. Now I will split you up into two groups."

She pulled another sheet of paper out of her desk as the teenagers sat in suspense.

"First group, Si, Kiba, Neji, and Ino. The rest of you, Naruto, Shikamaru, Hinata, and Sakura, are group two."

"I have to share a house with Ino?!" Kiba yelled.

"Hey, your not my first choice either ya'know!" She yelled back.

"You won't have to deal with them until Decmeber 19th. Now leave."

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