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"BEEP BEEP NIGGA!" A loud Fuck shit yelled from his car window

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"BEEP BEEP NIGGA!" A loud Fuck shit yelled from his car window.

"Jesus, Fuck shit." Ray groaned out as he climbed in the car.

"Its too earlyyyy," Baby whined while also getting into the car.

Kiko nodded silently in agreement.

"Why y'all so fucking tired? Its the afternoon." Fuck shit explained.

"Still too early nigga." Ray mumbled with his head on the window.

"How are you awake, we didnt crash till 3am." Baby yawned out.

The four teens all spent the night at Kiko's house since her parents were gone once again.

"Who had to go get the car hella early this morning?" Fuck shit asked the group.

"Not our faults you left it at the skate park." Ray told Fuck shit.

"Oh shut the fuck up 'n pull the wedgie out your ass." Fuck shit barked at Ray before starting to drive to the shop.

Fuck shit smiled at Baby while driving as she fell asleep with her head leaning on the window.

"Damn this girl always sleep," Kiko laughed quietly as she saw her best friend sleeping.

Fuck shit parked in front of the shop, turning off the car and looking back at Baby.

"Y'all go open the shop up, I'll deal with sleeping beauty here." Fuck shit told Ray, who nodded in agreement.

Fuck shit opened Baby's door, noticing how small and peaceful the freckled girl looked while sleeping.

" doll..." Fuck shit whispered quietly while rubbing her back, trying to get her awake.

"Mmm, leave me 'lone." Baby slurred out with her eyes closed.

"Come on babes, you can lay down on the couch inside." Fuck shit told Baby.

"Wit' you?" Baby asked as she opened her hazel brown eyes.

"Yeah," Fuck shit smiled that made Baby's heart grow larger.

"Look at these two lovebirds," Ray laughed.

"Ew." Ruben said with his arms crossed.

"Why ew?" Fourth grade questioned in a quiet tone.

"They're...touching..." Ruben explained at the two teens cuddling on the couch.

"Nigga, shut up-" Ray scolded Ruben and slapped his chest.

"Ow- what the fuck was that for-" Ruben started.

"Will y'all shut the fuck up?" Fuck shit groaned in a raspy voice.

"About time y'all up," Kiko told Fuck shit.

"Why? We ain't doin' nothin' right now." Fuck shit groaned as he sat up and stretched.

"We were waiting on y'all two to wake up so we can do something." Ruben snapped at Fuck shit.

"Yeah..." Stevie said in agreement quietly.

"What is there to do?" Baby yawned out while rubbing the sleep off of her hazel eyes.

"Skate?" Ray suggested in a 'duh' tone.

Fuck shit stood up, stretching once again and chucking a pillow at Ruben's head in the process.

"Ow! The hell that was for?" Ruben yelled irritated, throwing the pillow at Fuck shit.

"Ion know, just felt like I had to do it." Fuck shit shrugged.

All of the teens laughed except Ruben. Stevie stopped laughing quickly as Ruben shot a glare at him.

"Well come on then," Baby told the group.

"Where?" Fourth grade asked causing multiple of the teens to groan.

"I want to get a slushie, so to 7/11 we go." Baby explained happily.

Baby took a hold of her skateboard and skipped outside happily.

"She got some dick last night didnt she?" Ruben asked.

"No nigga! Shut the fuck up!" Fuck shit barked at the younger teenager.

The rest of the group besides Ruben laughed as they exited the shop.
Word count: 579💞
A/n~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !! Leave your thoughts and comments down below and have a good night(or morning or whatever).

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