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"She's gonna die Ray!" Fuck shit yelled out

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"She's gonna die Ray!" Fuck shit yelled out.

Fuck shit and Ray stood in Kiko's bedroom. Letting the moonlight shine over their faces in the dark room, Fuck shit had tears in his eyes now.

"Fuck shit, calm down..." Ray tried to tell Fuck shit.

"How am I supposed to calm down if the girl I love is dying?" Fuck shit said.

Ray stared at his best friend in confusion and shock written all over his face.

"I-I didn't mean that."

"You did though." Ray argued.

Fuck shit stared at his messed up Nike's.

I don't love her.

Nobody can love you.

But I can't help it.

She'll never love you after this.

"I-I don't know... I can't love her Ray... she can't love me, I'm fucked up! I'm gonna break her, Ray! Nobody can love me!"

"Have you ever been love?" Ray asked.

Fuck shit looked up at Ray, shaking his head.

"Why the fuck would you ask that?"

Ray shrugged, just wanting an honest answer.

"I mean...think about it. I know how you are with your parents and everything. They've never really been around are you supposed to know what love is if you've never gotten it?"

"Dont mention my parents Ray."

Ray sighed and looked at his feet once again.

"She's gonna be okay Fuck jus' gotta believe it." Ray mumbled.

Fuck shit's hazel eyes matched with Ray's that showed many emotions.

"My babydoll is a strong girl...she's gonna push through it." Fuck shit mumbled.

Kiko sat on the edge of Baby's bed.

"I really hope she's okay..." Kiko sighed.

"Kiko?" A faint voice cried out.

Kiko looked over at the bed in shock. The blonde girl looked at Kiko in confusion, looking around the room. Baby felt alive but she didn't want to take anything for granted. The hazel eye girl met the brown eyes of her best friend.

"Baby!" Kiko yelled.

Kiko tackles Baby in a large hug, squeezing Baby like she hasn't seen her in years. Baby stood still before wrapping her arms around Kiko and smiling.

"Don't ever do that dumb shit again you hear me!?" Was the first thing that came out of Kiko's mouth.

"Okay, Okay," Baby laughed weakly.

The two girls wiped their tears off of their faces, the boys were now surrounding the doorway.

"Shit, she ain't dead." Ruben mumbled.

Baby smiled at the group of boys, tears filling her eyes once again.

"Well don't be shy, come over here!" Baby laughed.

All of the boys pulled her into a hug and tackling her on the bed. All of them screaming out how worried they were.

"Oh god, I thought we lost you!"

"Baby you're actually okay!"

"We thought you were fucking dead!"

Baby continued to hug her friends happily until she noticed someone missing. She spotted the blonde boy leaning against the doorway, with his head down in guilt.

"Hey...can you guys give me 'n Fuck shit a minute?" Baby asked the group.

The group of teens exited out of the room, Ray putting his hand on Fuck shit's shoulder before leaving the room.

Fuck shit continued to stand in the doorway like a lost dog who didn't have a owner. Baby smiled at her lover softly, patting the bed.

"Come here, you're acting like you saw a ghost or somethin'."

Fuck shit sat next to Baby, his hazel eyes meeting with hers. The two sat in a comfortable silence before Baby opened her arms, letting Fuck shit in.

"I-I thought I lost you Baby." Fuck shit sobbed as he hugged Baby.

"I know...I'm okay now...there's no reason to cry..." Baby whispered in Fuck shit's ear.

'I have to tell her.' Fuck shit told himself.

"Baby..." Fuck shit started.

Baby looked up at Fuck shit in worry and confusion.


Fuck shit took a deep breath before taking a hold of both of her hands.

"I-I love you.." Fuck shit said with a blush on his cheeks.

Word count: 672💗
A/n: hi ! I know that it's been a while but I've just been trying to write chapters before publishing them :'). Anyways I jus wanna say thank you for the support and I love reading all of your guys comments ! Leave your thoughts and comments about the chapter down below and thank you for reading ! (ps. Alejandro will be explained in the next two chapters🙃)
~Amanee 🤎

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