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"He fucking deserves it

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"He fucking deserves it." Fuck shit mumbled quietly in the back room of the shop.

Currently, the party had started and skaters from all over town had showed up for it.

Ray stared at Fuck shit, leaning against the wall behind him.

"You're not going to do it. Not today." Ray yelled at Fuck shit.

"I'll kill him if I have to if he shows up in here!" Fuck shit had screamed.

The blonde walked passed Ray, bumping him in his shoulder not even looking back once as he went back to the party.

"Fucking idiot..." Ray mumbled.

Ever since Fuck shit had found out what had happened to Baby last night he's been furious. Ray and Fuck shit were just sitting in their bed room when they found out the news.

"Hello?" Fuck shit answered the phone, not knowing the number.

Ray raises his eyebrow in confusion and watched Fuck shit talk on the phone.

"Who the fuck is this..." Fuck shit asked.

"I won't say...but what I will say is that I know what happened to Baby that night."

Fuck shit lost his breathe at what the voice had said. He still didn't know who it was at all, just knew that the voice was feminine for sure.

"It was Jacob...I saw him put the pill into the cup. He didn't give a fuck, watched the whole scene happen and all. After you guys had found Baby, instantly left the scene with no word. I didn't want to say anything with him there because I don't want to be hurt... it was wrong what happened to Baby so I founded you number..."

"'s fine...thank you..." Fuck shit thanked the mysterious caller.

"Don't worry about my name...just wanted to help." They said before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Ray asked Fuck shit.

"I know what happened." Fuck shit told him.


"Yeahh!!" The voices yelled out excitedly.

Teenagers filled the large back area of the shop, skating, smoking, drinking, and just having a good time. Baby decided to stay close to Fourth grade and Kiko just in case anything went down again.

"Hey fourth grade..." Baby asked the quiet boy who sat next to her.

"Hmm?" Fourth grade answered, recording the skaters still.

"You think Ruben and Stevie hate each other?" Baby questioned.

Over the week, Baby had noticed Ruben becoming more and more meaner around the younger boy. Stevie would just talk to the group and Ruben would instantly tell him to shut up. Not to mention, Ray had given Stevie a new board for free while Ruben had to pay for his three hundred dollar set up on his own.

"Maybe?" Fourth grade answered.

"I hope not, Ruben's being a whole bitch over Stevie being cooler than him." Kiko added, taking a sip of her soda.

"Agree." Baby nodded.

"Plus, I heard that Stevie been through some tough shit... Ray told me 'bout how his brother beats the shit outta him... I mean he did come to the shop with bruises before." Kiko explained.

"Yeah... I just hope Ruben doesn't let it get the best of him..." Baby sighed.

"Ayee!" Fuck shit yelled out happily with a beer in his hand.

Stevie walked behind him with his cheeks flushed from being high as well most likely. Ray looked over from his group of people to meet his eyes with Baby. She knew that Ray was talking to a lot of important people today and maybe even go pro so she understood.

"I'll be back." Baby told the group.

Baby rushed over to Fuck shit before he can get to Ray and the his group of people. She wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling happily.

"Hey Fuck shit, why don't we go hang out with Kiko and them." Baby suggested but Fuck shit really had no choice.

"Sure babydoll." Fuck shit smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

As the couple walked in silence, Fuck shit's eyes had met with someone's he has seen before. The eyes had smiled at him confidently. The boy couldn't see who it was but he had already knew.

"That bitch." Fuck shit mumbled, gaining Baby's attention.

"Huh?" Baby questioned, looking up at Fuck shit.

"This is all your fault!"

"I ain't do shit! Get the fuck off me!" Voices yelled.

Baby looked over at the group of teens that gathered over fighting crowd. As Baby saw Stevie on the ground, she ran after him with Fourth grade leaving Fuck shit by himself.

"I'm glad you got my message." Jacob smirked at Fuck shit.

"You wanna play that fucking game? We can fucking play!" Fuck shit yelled.

The blonde punched Jacob, only making the both of them beginning to fight as well. As Baby split Stevie and Ruben up, she noticed another crowd but only louder this time.

"Fuck shit!" Baby yelled, running over to the crowd and pushing through it.

Baby stood still as she saw Jacob covered in blood along with Fuck shit as well. For some reason, her ears had to began to ring and she couldn't hear anything at all. Jacob smirked weakly before pulling out something that nobody had and aiming it straight at Fuck shit.

"No!" Baby screamed as she started to run closer to Fuck shit.

"Baby no!" Fuck shit screamed, pulling her by her waist and hiding her behind his body.

All you could hear throughout the sky is screams and shots that didn't match fireworks.

Word count: 918💗
A/N: hi, sorry for not updating for a long time, like always my mental health jus kind of fucks with me and i've been having a few family issues along with that. The next chapter will prolly be the end of this book and i jus wanted to say thank you to everyone who continues to read and comment on this book, it's prolly one of the only ways i can escape from the world. anyways i hope you guys are having a good day/night and thank you for the support 💗


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