𝐢. Phoenix from the Ashes

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𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬

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𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬


A draughty yet gentle breeze sweeps through the small town of Godrics Hollow, as the moon illuminates the sky on a cool June night. Leaves scrape along the concrete as the wind blows them in an easterly direction, and all that can be heard is the faint sound of an owl hooting in the distance. Everything is calm almost unsettling so and to any passer by, it appears just like any other average Saturday evening. It is indeed fair to say, that would have been an accurate assumption if only it weren't for the strange magic that was currently occurring. The thing is that and this is what the people in the town were failing to take into account at that precise moment, only a few feet beneath the ground, a box of ashes covered in dirt was beginning to shake.

"Billy!" A teenage girl with long brunette hair calls out frustratedly to a younger boy, who is placing a daffodil on one of the graves in St Jeromes graveyard. "Come on, we're gonna be late to Aunt Gabby's birthday party."

"But I want to stay with mum," the boy pouts, staring solemnly at the flower that he has just laid down. He looks up at the girl, ignoring her outstretched hand. "Please Rosie!"

"Billy, you know that you can't stay with mum. We talked ab" Rosie cuts herself short mid sentence, freezing on the spot as her eyes widen and her blood runs cold. "Billy, get behind me! Get behind me! Now!"


"Just do as I say!" she demands in a panic, grabbing her brother firmly by the arm and dragging him to stand behind her. She attempts to cautiously back away, but accidentally trips over her brothers foot and winces in pain grabbing at her sore ankle. "Ugh, not again!"

The cool breeze suddenly picks up and the wind begins to hum more violently, consequently causing the trees on the border of the graveyard to rattle aggressively. Rosie stares in utter horror, and Billy slowly peeks out from behind her protective stance to see that tiny particles of some description are beginning to emerge slowly from beneath the surface of one of the graves. In a whirlwind of almost ash like particles, the silhouette of a mans body is formed, and after what seems like forever spent staring at this phenomenon, Rosie and Billy stand frozen in shock as the ashes finally come together to complete a full body. Out of nowhere, a man appears.

Actually, the phrase 'man' may be stretching it slightly. He looks to be in his late teens to early twenties an age that seems too young to be classified as a man, yet too old to be considered a boy but his height and muscles make him seem more mature than he actually is. The man boy looks down at his hands, opening and closing them as if he is fascinated that his movements are connected to his brain. He flips his hands over, scrunching them shut and stretching them open repeatedly, before finally accepting that it is, in fact, him who is creating the gestures. He smiles at them in disbelief, and then his head snaps up to check his surroundings.

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