Chapter 4

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Chapter song: With You by Chris Brown (the song is sung by JB in this video)
(Justin's pov)
Becca fell asleep, so I gently shook her awake.
She blushed a little as she moved away.
"It's ok. My mom was wondering if you want Spaghetti for dinner"
I pulled her back in, because I want her to stay close to me.
She nodded.
"She's making it now. You should be home in time"
I hugged her.
She giggled in the hug.
"...I don't wanna let go"
I whispered.
"....Me neither"
She whispered back. We stayed like that. It wasn't awkward at all. It was comforting, and I wanted to keep holding her forever.
"Dinners ready, you two"
My mom announced. We got up and sat at the table.
"Thank you"
Becca and I said.
"You're welcome"
She smiled warmly at us. Becca and I ate as the tv played. We were both pretending to watch it. I can tell she's not, and so am I. I wonder what she was thinking in that pretty little mind of hers.
"I'll walk you back home"
I opened the door for her.
"Man, I don't want this to end"
She sighed.
"Don't worry. You'll see me everyday"
I walked with her.
She had sparkles in her eyes.
"Of course, shawty"
We stopped walking until we arrived at her house.
"Alright...see you later, Justin"
Becca stood in front of me. I told her about 5 years ago that we should never say "bye". Instead, use the phrase "see you later", because "bye" sounds too official.
"See you later, shawty. Meet me at my place in the morning, so we can go school shopping together"
I told her.
She hugged me tight.
"Love you"
I hugged her back.
"Love you too"
She whispered. I don't know if she's thinking what I'm thinking. I wish I could read her mind, but I can't. Finally, we let go. I kissed her cheek before we went different directions. When I went back home, mom looked pissed.
"Justin, someone egged my car. Can you believe it?"
She was pissed alright.
"Really? Mom, that's awful"
I tried to hide the evidence that it was us.
"What kind of disrespectful, rude person would do this?
She shook her head. I held in a laugh.
"I'll help if you want"
I knew she wouldn't want me to.
"No Justin, I got it. It's easy to clean up"
She sighed. When I shut the door to my room, I laughed. Just wait til I tell Chaz. I already miss Becca. This happens every time Becca's not around. I wish she could spend another night here, but I'm sure her parents want to spend time with her too. I fell on my bed and sighed. Ok, I can't take it. I grabbed my phone and texted her.
J: Hey:)
B: Miss me already?
J: Yep. U?
B: Lots💕
J: aww. just wanted to say goodnight💜
B: goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow😘
J: kk😘
I couldn't stop smiling while I got ready for bed. When I settled in bed, I was still smiling. You can say I went to bed happy that night.
I woke up, and the first thing I thought of was Becca. I quickly got dressed and ready for today. Mom made waffles, so I ate it so fast that I nearly choked.
"Justin, sweetie, what's the rush?"
Mom patted my back.
"I'm gonna go school shopping with my friends"
I gave away little detail.
"Oh, ok, here you might need this. Be more careful next time. I don't want you choking"
She kissed my cheek and handed me $50.
"Thank you, mom"
I rushed out the door. Becca wasn't here yet, but that's what I expected. A few minutes later, Becca walked up. She looked so beautiful. She always did.
She hugged me.
"Sup shawty?"
I smiled at the feeling of her.
"Nothing. Just about to go shopping with my best friend"
She grinned cutely.
"No way. Me too"
I joked around with her. We chuckled as we walked to Target.
"Hop in, shawty"
I motioned to the shopping cart once we entered the store. She giggled while she sat inside the shopping cart.
"What do we need?"
I pushed her in the shopping cart.
"Uhm, backpacks?"
She shrugged.
"Ok, what color do you want?"
I pushed the cart to the shelves of backpacks.
She grabbed a dark blue backpack.
"I really like purple, so I'll take this one"
I grabbed a dark purple and black backpack.
"Now what?"
Becca asked.
"...We might need pencils and all that shit"
I pushed the cart towards the school supply section. We got pencils, pens, markers, paper, folders, and erasers.
"There, we should be good"
I moved to the checkout counters. I paid then pushed the cart out of the store. I pushed it faster while riding on it as well.
"Omigod Justin-be careful!"
Becca squealed.
"Trust me, bae"
I chuckled and slowed down, so she wouldn't be scared.
"Not with a shopping cart"
She giggled.
I grinned and continued pushing the cart at a normal pace.
"You smile, I smile. Woah. You smile, I smile"
I sang quietly.
"Did you make that one too?"
She smiled.
"Yea, you like it?"
I pushed the cart on the sidewalk, going anywhere but back to our houses.
"It's beautiful"
Her smile made me grin.
I flipped my hair out of my eyes.
"Are you ever gonna cut your hair?"
She giggled at my actions.
"Not anytime soon. Why? You don't like it?"
I messed around with her.
"No no, I just don't want you to"
Her cheeks turned light pink. I think she's adorable like that.
"Well, don't worry bout that right now"
I flipped my hair again, making her giggle.
"What are we doing?"
She looked around.
I shrugged.
"...Ok...Tell me about the song you were singing"
She moved in front of me and leaned close from inside the shopping cart. Her smile made happiness flow throughout me.
"Well, I don't know. It just came to me"
I shrugged as I continued to push her in the cart.
"How? What made it come to your head?"
She had curiosity in her eyes.
I smiled.
She looked taken back, in a good way.
"Yea, your smile"
I admitted. Mostly all the songs I made were about her, she didn't know that.
"Wow...that means a lot to me"
She was still smiling, but looked so grateful.
"I thought you'd like it"
I smiled.
"I love it, Justin"
Her eyes were lit up.
"'s 1pm. You want to get lunch?"
I changed the subject.
She was still smiling.
I pushed the cart to the nearest McDonald's. I ordered for her, then we sat on a curb of a sidewalk.
"You're the sweetest, you know?"
Becca commented.
"I try"
I smirked.
"I know. Thank you for that"
She was smiling while her eyes had a seriousness in them.
"You're welcome...maybe one day I can give you more than just McDonald's on a sidewalk"
I felt her arm against mine.
"You don't have to. I'm happy right now...with the way things are"
Her eyes narrowed, meaning that something was on her mind. She wanted something. I don't know what, but I wanted to give her whatever she wanted.
"Becca...I wanna give you everything you want. Just tell me"
I looked deep inside her blue eyes.
"...Thanks, Justy"
She hugged me, making me lay on the sidewalk.
I hugged back, wanting to stay here forever.

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