Chapter 5

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Chapter song: Catching Feelings by Justin Bieber
(Becca's pov)
Justin and I spent the whole day talking and making jokes. He brought me to Chipotle for dinner. Now, we were walking to my house.
"Alright, take care, shawty"
He hugged me when we arrived at my house.
"You too, Justy"
I smiled in the hug.
"I'll be here in the morning to pick you up"
He was still hugging me.
I kept smiling. Justin used to always walk with us to and from school. He still does.
"See you later, shawty"
He broke the hug to kiss my cheek.
"See you later"
I smiled as we walked different directions. When I entered my house, my mom was on her laptop.
"Hi Becca, how'd it go?"
She glanced at me then looked back at her phone.
I walked upstairs to see my dad.
"Hey dad"
I smiled at him.
"I don't like him touching you like that"
He says sternly.
"He's my best friend. It's perfectly ok"
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't care. I will beat the shit out of him if he touches you like that again"
My dad glared.
"You can't. Isn't that illegal?"
I glared back.
"Not if I say it is"
He spat.
I slammed the door shut. Anger rushed through me. What did Justin ever do to my dad? Nothing. We've been best friends for years, and Justin hasn't done anything but say hello to him. Anyways, I should really get to bed. I have school in the morning. I hope I don't get too overwhelmed with homework and shit. At least I'll have Justin.
My alarm went off, and I got up grumpily. I really don't wanna do this, but I have to. I put on some blue skinny jeans and a gray t-shirt before going into the bathroom. I went downstairs after I made sure I looked ok.
"Good morning"
My mom greeted me. I ate some cereal until I saw Justin on his phone in front of my house along with Ryan and Chaz.
"I gotta go. See you later"
I quickly walked out. Justin saw me and smiled perfectly at me.
"Hey shawty"
He hugged me tightly.
I remembered what my dad said last night, so I pulled away. I'm sure my dad is watching from the window. Justin looked confused at my actions.
"Hey Becca"
Ryan and Chaz hugged me once we were out of my dad's sight.
"You mind telling me what just happened back there?"
Justin spoke loud enough for only us to hear.
"Well....last night my dad saw us hugging, and he wasn't happy with it. He said he would beat the shit out of you if he sees us touching in anyway"
I muttered in his ear.
"...Damn, why does he hate me?"
Justin chuckled, sounding pissed and sorry.
"It's not your fault, Justin. They're just really protective"
I lowered my voice.
"Eh, who cares? I'm not scared of him. I can do whatever I want. You're my bae"
He put his arm around me.
"Aw, thanks, Justin"
I kissed his cheek.
"Meet me outside during lunch"
He told me as we entered the school. Man, I have not missed this place at all. It looks exactly the same. Same lockers, same classrooms, same everything. The people here are really mean and rude. Even the teachers give you these go-to-hell glares when you do something wrong. I've skipped class to hang out with Justin before. I've never been caught.
I smiled. All 4 of us went our own ways. I'm on my own now.
. . .
So far, my day is crappy. Everyone is so disrespectful. I have homework on the first day. If it's this stressful on the first day, imagine the rest of the year. Damn. I snuck out the door of the school for lunch.
"Hey, shawty"
A familiar voice greeted me from behind. Justin.
I hugged him.
He suggested.
I smiled and followed him into the nearby Subway. We ordered then started eating.
"How's it going?"
Justin asked as we ate.
"Same as usual"
I shrugged while taking another bite.
"You ok though?"
His eyes were concerned.
"Don't stress yourself. I'll be here to help whenever"
He grinned.
"That's nice of you, Justin"
I smiled.
"I know"
He beamed.
"We should go before it's too late"
Justin and I stood up and walked back to the school.
"Meet my at my place so we can do homework"
He kissed my cheek before we entered the school, unnoticed.
. . .
When the last bell rung, I scurried out of the crowded hallway. Damn, it's so crowded and loud. Justin was no where in sight, so I caught up with a Ryan and Chaz.
"Wassup Becca?"
Chaz high-fived me.
"Not much"
I grinned.
"You off to Justin's?"
Ryan smirked.
"Cut it out"
I pushed him playfully.
"You are. No fair, how come he didn't invite us?"
Ryan pretended to look offended.
"You're not his bae"
I said proudly.
"Oh yeah? Well I've got Chaz. He's my bae"
Ryan nudged Chaz.
"You guys are weird"
I giggled.
"Like you're not"
Chaz remarked.
"I never said I wasn't"
I smirked.
"Yea, but you have a crush on Justin"
Ryan blurted out. How did he know?
"What? did you..."
I was speechless as I blushed.
"It's pretty obvious. I mean, you've always picked him instead of us"
Chaz shrugged.
"No...ok, maybe, but that doesn't mean I don't like you"
My cheeks were on fire.
"We know. Don't worry bout it"
Ryan smiled.
"Please don't tell Justin"
I don't wanna fuck up a 9 year friendship.
"We won't. I promise"
Chaz and Ryan said at the same time.
I giggled shyly.
"Have fun"
Ryan winked at me as I walked up to Justin's front porch. I just giggled and walked into Justin's house. When I walked in his room, Justin was shirtless on his phone.
"Sorry, I didn't think you'd come this early"
He reached for his shirt. The blushing returned, and I felt the air thicken.
"Thanks for waiting for me"
I tried to calm my heart down, but he's too much.
He grinned.
"It's fine"
I waved it away like it was nothing.
"You wanna start homework?"
He didn't sound too happy, but who can be happy to have homework?
I dropped my backpack on the floor and sat beside him.
. . .
After about 2 hours we finally finished our homework. Now, we're eating Oreos in the kitchen.
I spoke.
He had his mouth full.
"I...can I have a hug?"
I was so close to telling him that I liked him, but I couldn't. I'm too scared to fuck this friendship up.
"Sure, bae. What's up?"
He opened up his arms for me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he embraced me.
"I'm just tired"
I mumbled in his shirt.
"Ok, now tell me the truth"
He spoke softly. He knows when I lie. How?
"...I'm just not feeling it today"
It was sorta the truth.
He pulled away from the hug to look at me, my face in his hands. His eyes wanted the truth, and my eyes tried to give it to him. Suddenly, he started to lean in. My heart was going insane. What do I do?

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