A new beginning to an end

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During my youth, I was fairly competitive, competing in everything, and hell I had a talent for nearly all of it. Even today I'm still competing, but not in actual sports, more of just the things I enjoy like: art, writing and most of all, gaming.

It's difficult being a female in a male dominating game called League of Legends. I guess I am fortunate enough to have the time and money to practice and improve at this game.

Any relationships? I think not!
Every relationship I have ever been in has ended with me alone with these dark thoughts.

The closest people in my life used to say that I was a magnet for trouble. I mean, they weren't entirely wrong. When alone or reminded of my past, I resort to dark thoughts, but when kept busy, my mind is at ease, but most of the time that is not that case. Though all my insecurities have grown and so has my will to die.

But leaving this world the same as this pathetic version of me would be a waste, no, I would have to go the memorable way/Viking way, leaving a strong impression behind.

Having no friends or family made it easier to accept what will happen, it is my first and biggest step to success. Nothing to lose, my goals within an arm's reach.

First on my bucket list is to become an LCS player, to prove wrong the stereotype that women can't be top tier in gaming.

Surprisingly, I have reached this goal, with little to no time.

The second is to live with someone famous.

Third, to lose my virginity to a stranger so they won't be affected as much when the last step happens...This will be the hardest.


.  Fnatic - Recruiting Support replacement   .

My heart fluttered, this was my chance to make it into the big teams, and this team is one of Europe's best.

-3 months later-

My body is trembling with.. well I don't know if it's just excitement or fear. The ADC , Rekkles wants to meet me at a location in between both of us in Berlin.

-an extra few weeks-

It was like a dream, firstly, I never traveled far from home nor have I ever met someone as famous as these people. We spent a whole bloody month practicing, communicating through Discord or League voice Client, even at times, talking about personal matters to understand each other better. How could I have somehow made it till this very moment?

No amount of hours in a call could bury my anxiety.

"We finally meet, Y/n" His thick Swedish accent hits my ears almost seductively. The way his lips part to form a half-smirk kept me in a trancelike state. My heart seems to calm and I respond to his gesture.
"Agreed. So what are your plans for us?"
"I was thinking kidnap, but I guess showing you where we will stay is okay too."

What a weird way of comforting me.

He orders a cab and we make it to a very prestige hotel. So this is what it's like to be one of the best players. "I feel confident that you will enjoy your time with me. Later tonight, we will go out for dinner with the boys."
Such a successful smooth talker, I wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend.
"Which room is mine, I would like to unpack." I say with a warm smile.

He walks me through the huge hotel room to lead me to the room nearest the bathroom. It is massive, The cupboards could fit a whole family's clothing in it, although my room was big, his was even bigger and for some reason had a King-sized bed, unlike mine.

  "Jealous?" He notices me looking at both rooms as if comparing them.

"Did you have to go all out with this?" My eyes move subtly as I struggle to avert my gaze away from his piercing eyes.

"If you want to share my bed so badly-"
I cut him off harshly.
"No!! I was talking about how extreme this place is!"

Shit, I lost my cool for a second.

He seems amused by my reaction and smiles widely "Cute."
"I'll unpack, go away." Immediately I flung my travel case onto the medium-sized bed and started unpacking.

-3 hours later-

The last thing to do was to set up my PC and gaming gear. The moment I finished, the doorbell rang, Rekkles went to open the door knowing exactly who it was.

"Is she here? We wanna meet our new support!" They push past the door only to run to me and give me a group hug.

The first thing that comes to mind is the restaurant we were planning to go to together.
"Let me quickly grab some cash" I feel a hand holding my arm and pulling me back.
"Unnecessary, I'll pay for your food." His face was unreadable, so I didn't protest.
"Really? Okay, I'll make sure to empty your wallet then." 

While in one of their cars, I sat at the back seat watching the others talk just like we did on call. I could tell they were closely bonded, with Rekkles always being the coolheaded one of the team.


Usually, they will call each other by their league names, but it was alright to mention their real names from time to time.

Martin (Rekkles) recommended this restaurant because of its infamous Meatballs & Macaroni, sounds cliché, but this team is mad for this food.

Our waitress to be escorts us to the furthest table at the back. Everyone takes their order, but right when it was my turn, Rekkles chips in "I would like to order a Marinated Salmon with Dill Potatoes for the cute lady.".
I look at him confusedly. "Just because I am paying for your food, I will decide what you will eat tonight "his smile instead of comforting me, made me slightly tilted for doing such a sly thing.

-soon after the waitress leaves-

Nemesis clears his throat as if about to speak.
"To get to know each other better, let's play 'Most likely'. If you don't know the rules, I'll explain it. It is a drinking game where everyone points to whoever they think is most likely to do whatever was mentioned. Drink once for every person who's pointing at you." Nemesis explained the rules as if he knew I don't do drinking games.

"I'd rather wanna stay sober tonight" I politely decline.

An arm goes around me "We assure you we will take care of you" Broxah smiles widely at me.

I don't know why, but I could feel Rekkles' gaze upon the arm wrapped around me. "I think we should keep the drinking for another time" he smiles as if knowing something bad will happen.

"I would not want to disappoint, so only this time." I giggle unsuspecting of what might happen.

Nemesis pulls out his phone to show us cards of this game. "Okay, so who's most likely to sing in the shower?"

All pointed in different directions, mostly to Broxah, but none to me or Rekkles, did they think we are saints? While I pointed to Broxah, keeping in mind his playful nature.

He drinks a total of 3 shots. "I drink this shit like water."
Everyone laughed and Nemesis tugged on Broxah's shoulder playfully.

"oooh, spicy. So who would be the most likely to get in trouble flashing a police officer?"

Everyone immediately smiled and their eyes darted to Bwipo and soon after we all pointed to him.

Bwipo acting as if we assaulted him quickly gets up from his chair " Heyy that naked pool moment only happened once! I was drunk and somehow lost my fucken pants!" We all break out into loud laughter, Rekkles eyes even water, from finding it so funny.
"Drink up >:)" I give him a devil teemo smile to tease him.

his face cringes from the shots and he lets out a sigh.

After everyone calms down, Nemesis looks down at the questions "So who would be.. most likely fall for our attractive support." He says seductively.


I made a youtube video about him <3

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