Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Things around here


"Cyndi lune wake up. You have to get ready to go to a tea party" Maiden said as she pulled the blanket away from Cyndi

"Why do I have to go to that stupid tea party?! I'm going to sleep more" Cyndi exclaimed not wanting to get up. Because she basically hated when she was reading that part. It was boring there!

"Madame Luna! Would you come here to wake Cyndi lune?"

"No, mom! I am awake!" Cyndi shouted quickly. She did not want to hear her mom scolding her for 2 hours. That was worse.

Maiden, blond hair maid took Cyndi's hand and led her to the washroom. When they arrived in the huge washroom, Maiden lifted her hand to help but she was stopped by Cyndi's hand.

"Maiden it's okay. I can do it all by myself"

"Are you sure lune Cyndi?"

"Yes I am very sure. Now would you go back to your work? I don't really like being stared at"

Maiden gave her a suspicious look before she went out of the washroom since Cyndi White would never ever do things by herself. After Maiden was gone, she stared at the round luxury mirror that showed her face.

'How can that be me?!!!!'

She touched the reflection of her pure black eyes, white skin, pretty nose and red cherry colored lips. Her hand stopped for a second and still looking at the mirror, pinched herself.

"Ow....It really hurts" Cyndi murmured.

Knowing that now she could do nothing about this, she gave a faint smile to herself and putted her face toward the pure clean water.


"So did you know the venteriur soleil, son of the king is going to visit my house?!"

"Oh my god! Really? Then can I please get his autograph? He's so handsome!"

'Boys boys boys. Is that all you talk about?? Why do we even have care about the venteriur soleil, son of the king? You know, he marries later with a girl named Sophia.' Cyndi thought in her head as she yawned and got annoyed. 'Well it's better than listening to Luna talk for several hours to me I guess'

"Lune Cyndi who do you like best in all the prince?" annoying orange hair girl who wants to get the soleil's autograph asked Cyndi with a face of 'I will ask a few question for you poor darling'

"No one" Cyndi responded simply who really didn't care

She stared at her watch and when she saw the 3pm has finally come, she stood up smiling then ran away out of the tea party she thought was horrible.


Heading to her room, she saw Avelyne running around the beautiful garden they have in their house, or castle since it's so big. Wondering what Avelyne was doing, she moved toward the sweating girl.

"Working so hard there!"

"Wah! Girl you scared me!"

"I know. Anyways what are you doing? Like sweating and running around garden like a bird?"

"Oh know my dream is to be a soldier. So I am just checking how much this body can run for"

"And how long have u been running for? Plus, are you really going to be a soldier? It's what Avelyne White wanted. Not you"

"About 2 hours. I am impressed. And I think also this body is making me wanting to be a soldier. When I touched the real sword at the morning, I felt a twitching butterfly"

"2 hours..... You didn't go to the tea party?"

"Nope. Why? Did you go?"

"Yes! How did you not go? Luna killed you. Didn't she? Did you get scolded from her?"

"Well I know her weakness. Give her a I love you face and beg her that you will do better when you don't go to the tea party and when she goes on thinking you will said 'mama I love you! Please!'"

Cyndi stared at Avelyne with dude you are smart look and remembered SHE was the big fan of this book. For a while they talked and when they realized it was 4pm , they hurried to the secret room that is not supposed to be found until 200 years later to meet their friends/sisters.


This secret room was underground room with super high magic in it. It moderated the temperature on its own and every time they came here, there were snacks and drinks to eat and relax. A perfect spot for them to talk about this book. There were 4 beds, hundreds of books and other little things. Not only that, there was a storage stick to this room that had all tons of special things.

Avelyne lied down on the blue bed with Cassey and Cyndi lied down on the pink bed with Sunny. They putted the snacks on each bed and started talking.

"How's your life?" Cyndi asked as she pinched Sunny's big cheek

"Good. Me and Sunshine just played" answered Cassey brightly when Sunny added with a depressing smile "And it was boring"

Then there was an awkward moment of silence and everybody just stared at the ground. Then Sunny grabbed so many cookies that made Avelyne wondered what is she going to do with those? And the answer of that question was to put all the cookies to her mouth.

"Aenth-eu-omtik?" Sunny asked with a big mouthful of cookies in her mouth.

Avelyne didn't know why but she understood what Sunny was saying perfectly. She was asking "Aren't you homesick?" With that question, everyone bursted out, crying remembering their families and friends.

'Mom! Dad! I miss them so much!'

Wave of crying went for a while but later they cleared their minds and stopped sobbing. Avelyne felt better after crying but not perfectly good. She was calling Luna, her mom and Blake, her dad, but that didn't feel right. They didn't talk at all in that room. Only a sound of eating and drinking were there.


Swoosh swoosh

Even she remembered a little past (Since she read the book) about Avelyne, she did not know how to use a sword. Fortunately, Avelyne's body still had the strength.

Avelyne opened the book named 'knight', page 2 and read the instruction carefully. She first grabbed her silver sword that was given by Avleyne's first teacher also a 'sword master' (only 3 people in this world). After reading the first couple of sentences in the book, Avelyne swung her perfectly silver sword. For hours and hours she swung and swung it constantly. It felt good. The touch of the wind and the sound of swinging.

'It makes me feel alive' Avelyne thought as she putted her sword down on the ground.

She sat down on the grass humming the song from Earth. Then after a while, she stood up and went inside her home, finally smiling.

She went into her room and found a little invitation lying down on her bed. It was a pink invitation with some roses on it. She carefully opened the card knowing what was going to be one there. Avelyne was right again, and it said :

Welcome to the party 

White family.  

This is an invitation for feudrieur soleil, king's son's birthday.

She sat on the bed for awhile and stared at the invitation remembering that this party was the one it made Cassey embarrassed in front of whole bunch of people.

'Did? Cassey and other girls get this?'

Avelyne wondered if they have or not have until she heard a big noise coming from the door behind her. Soon door opened violently, and Avelyne could see all three girls standing inside her room. Avelyne gave a slight smile, and they all headed to the underground secret room.

When they got to their usual spots, they started to discuss what happened in the book and what they will do to avoid it.

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