🎂Birthday, Party and Something Else🎂 Part 1

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Dylan woke up after a headache yesterday. The boy felt something was going to happen, and he couldn't sleep almost all night.
When he woke up, the blond looked at the wall calendar and saw that today was August 18th, Mia's birthday.
Dylan got up, dressed as fast as he could, and began to dig through his wardrobe.
After a few minutes of searching, he found out Mia's birthday bag and walked to his best friend's room.
Everyone had already gathered there and as soon as the girl opens the door everyone said:
-Happy Birthday!
-Oh, thank you!-she smiled and opened the presents.
On their way to college, the young people were figuring out where to celebrate.
-Josh invited us to his party.-said Anastasia-If you want, we can go. Going there will stop us from thinking about our problems.
-I agree!-Dylan said as he drove
-We, too!- said the others in one voice.
-Well, it's party.-Catherine smiled, imagining the alcohol.
When they arrived, everyone went to their classes. Dylan, who had some time, decided to go for coffee.
As soon as he gets his order, he sits on a small table near the window.
Looking at the trees and gardens of the college, Dylan didn't notice when his girlfriend was sitting next to him.
-Dylan, can you hear me?-She asked, after which he apologized and asked her how she was.
While they were talking, Selena read a message on her phone and asked:
-Can my friend sit next to us? Today is her first day and I do not want her to be alone.
-No problem!-Dylan smiled, and Selena didn't wait for a second invitation, so she called her girlfriend on the phone.
After about 5 minutes, next to them stood a short girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Dylan remembers those eyes very well, and the smile on his face disappeared.
As soon as the girl looked at Dylan she blushed, and he poured himself a coffee.
-What are you doing here, Dylan?
-I wanted to ask you the same question, Leila.
-Umm...-Selena started-...Do you know each other?
-Yes!-Dylan said angrily.
-This is the boy I was talking about.-Leila said, and Selena grabbed her head.
Yes, it was very embarrassing for the three of them. A few months before Dylan got together with Selena, he was with Leila. They know each other since elementary school, and since then they had a very difficult relationship. However, there was always love between them, and so until one day, when Dylan saw his girlfriend with another man. And this man was no one else, but with Derek.
When Dylan found out, his heart was broken into thousands of pieces, and no one and nothing could cheer him up. The young man had become very depressed.  His friends took him to the mall, to watch movies, and wherever the boy liked to go, only to see the smile on his face again, but it didn't work.
The day Dylan met Selena, everything changed. He was again the Dylan everyone loved.
And as for Leila, the pain went away with it, hatred came in its place. The hatred of the girl with who, Dylan once shared everything.
Dylan could no longer stay next to Leila, so he looked at her with a cold look, apologized to Selena, and went away without looking back.
It was already 2:30 pm. Ever since he got home, Dylan lay on his bed, remembering the good times with Leila. Walking in the park, how angry he was that he beat her at Uno, how she was beside him when he was sick.
When he looked at the clock, the young man realized that after 10 minutes his friends had to go home, so he got out of bed and walked slowly to the kitchen, so he can cook something for himself and his friends.
And here they are. The boy helped his friends with the serving, and when they sat down to eat, he told them what had happened, and they tried to help him.
He knew, that they would not succeed, but he was glad they were next to him.

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