December 7th

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You wanna know what happened on December 6th? Check out AllyMaii <3

Alexander POV

„Come on, Alexander!" Magnus said outside of my room, while I was putting a shirt on. I sighed. Why is he stressing me?

„Are we really in a hurry or are you just inpatient?" I asked, as I left my room. Magnus grinned and turned around. I followed him.

He told me we're gonna do something special today but he wouldn't tell me what. That's bad because I'm actually really curious. It seems like he's really looking forward to it. I don't know if I should like that.

He went downstairs and we put on some shoes and a jackets. I did it, just like him, because I assumed, that we were about to leave the house.

He took his key and opened the door. Yes, we're leaving. I stepped outside and he closed the door behind me. He went to the car and got in. After we both sat in it, he started it.

"So, do you want to tell what we will do now?" I asked and he shook his head with a smile. I rolled my eyes. Why does it have to be so mysterious?

"I'm sure you will love it." he said. Somehow I knew I wouldn't. If it has something to do with christmas, I won't like it.

"Can you give me a hint?" I asked. He laughed.

"You're really curious, Alexander." he said. I smiled. I somehow liked the way he said my name. "Okay, it's gonna be cold." he said.

I thought about it. Well, it's already cold outside so it can be literally anything. I sighed and leaned back. Magnus turned on the radio and there it was again. "Last Christmas".

"I hate that song." I said. "It has nothing to do with Christmas." I added and Magnus shrugged.

"I like it. It gives me Christmas vibes." he said. Of course it does. I mean it's always in the radio in December. I looked out of the window and tried to ignore the song but as soon as it ended, the next one came on.

"It's the most beautiful time of the year, lights fill the streets, spreading so much cheer. I should be playing in the winter snow but I'ma be under the mistletoe." Magnus sang along. I grinned.

"Justin Bieber? Are you serious?" I asked and he laughed and continued to sing. I watched him and smiled. I felt good because he's happy. Is it weird? I don't know.

After 20 minutes, the car stopped. I looked out of the window but I couldn't tell where we were. There were some people, too much to actually recognize something. We got out of the car and I followed Magnus.

"Are you ready for fun?" he asked. I just nodded skeptically. We got closer and now I could see it. Ice skating.

I could people hear laughing and I could see them running over the ice. It seemed like a lot of fun but I got nervous.

"Isn't it cool?" he asked. I tensed. That will be embarrassing, I thought. Magnus seemed to notice it. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked and put his hand on my arm. I looked at home.

"Yeah, it's just... I don't know how this works." I admitted. Magnus smiled.

"That's okay. You will learn it, believe me." he said. I breathed out and nodded. He took my hand and started to walk.

As he held my hand, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I liked that feeling. It's like my stomach tingles.

He pulled me with him and got us two pairs of ice skates and we want to a bench to put it on. At least I didn't have problems there.

"Okay Alexander, are you ready?" he asked. I breathed out and nodded. He smiled and together we went on the ice.

Already in the beginning I slipped but Magnus caught me. I tried to hold on to his hand to get up again. Wow, that was an amazing start.

"It's gonna get better, believe me." he said. "Take my hand." he said and that's what I did. It gave me safety and of course, the tingle in my stomach.

"It's just like roller skating." he said and showed me how it works. After that, I did it as well and it worked.

It really wasn't that hard and after some time I could even let go of Magnus' hand. I ran over the ice and Magnus watched me with a proud smile.

"Oh my god, do you see that? I can ice skate!" I yelled to Magnus and he laughed out loud. But just as I said that, I started to shake and I slipped.

Now Magnus wasn't near enough to catch me so I fell to the ground. My back hit the ice and I sighed in pain. Ouch.

I saw Magnus running towards me with a concerned look on his face. He stopped next to me and held his hand out.

"You know, I think I like it down there." I said and he laughed. I took his hand and he helped me up. "This was embarrassing and painful." I said and he shook his head.

"No, it was cute. I'm proud, I mean you did a really good job." he said and I blushed. Why would I blush? "You want to take my hand again?" he asked and I nodded.

"I don't want to fall again." I answered and Magnus smiled and we started to run over the ice again.

After an hour we stopped. I slipped sometimes but I only fell like two times because the other times, Magnus caught me. We left the ice and changed our shoes.

"Wasn't it fun?" he asked with a big smile in his face. I giggled and nodded.

"It was. I actually didn't expect it to be this funny and awesome." I admitted and he nodded.

"I'm glad you had fun." he said and put his hand on my shoulder. "And now lets get some hot coffee because I'm freezing." he said. I laughed out loud.

"You didn't even touch the ice!" I said and together we left.

Christmas battle - Malec's POVWhere stories live. Discover now