December 17th

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Hi! You wanna know what happened on December 16th? Check out AllyMaii

Magnus POV

„So what are we gonna do today?" Alec asked curious, while stealing a biscuit out of the box. I watched him take a bite of it. The biscuit was selfmade so I thought back when Alec and I baked them. It was the first time we kissed.

„Stop eating them! We need them for Christmas!" I said and he raised his hands innocently. I grinned. „We're invited to a party." I said and he frowned.

„You mean, you are invited to a Christmas party." he said. I laughed and shrugged.

„That's true, but you'll join me." I said and came closer. He was still wearing his Pyjama pants, even though it was 3p.m. We just didn't leave the house yet.

„Why?" he asked and I grinned. I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him close. My hands were cold but he wasn't. He was warm. He smiled down at me.

„Because it will be a lot more fun with you." I admitted. He grinned, leaned to me and and gave me a lovingly kiss on the lips. I felt the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. What is he doing with me?

„Okay, I'll come with you." he said after he released his lips. „Are these people gonna be prigs?" he asked and I laughed.

„Yes, probably. That's why I need you. You're not one." I explained.

„Why do you go there if you think they are prigs?" he asked and I shrugged. That was a good question.

„Well, I've been there every year. I don't want to say no." I said and he nodded. „Also, Catarina and Ragnor are gonna be there so I have to come." he said and he raised his eyebrow.

„Ragnor? Who's that?" he asked and I grinned. Was he jealous? I remember that I told him about Cat, but I never told him about Rag.

„Ragnor has been my best friend since we're little." I explained and he nodded interested. I just grinned.

„Why are you grinning?" he asked confused.

„Are you jealous?" I asked but he shook his head immediately.

„What? Are you serious? Why would I?" he asked and I shrugged. I let go of him and turned around.

„Whatever, I need to get ready. We have to be there at 6 p.m.!" I said and he looked at me confused.

„But we still have 3 hours." he noticed and I nodded.

„Exactly!" I said and left the kitchen. I heard him laugh behind me.


Before I went downstairs, I checked myself in the mirror one last time. I wore tight black jeans and a wine-red shirt. Also a black jacket with golden buttons.

When I went down, I already saw Alec standing there and waiting. I smiled. He looked good as always. He wore blue jeans and also a red-wine hoodie. I think he loves his hoodies. His hair was a mess but I love it. It makes me wanna touch it all the time.

„You look incredible." he said before I could say it. My heart melted. I smiled.

„You too." I said and I think I just blushed a bit.

„Magnus Bane can actually blush?" he asked and I averted my eyes. How embarrassing. He came closer and put two fingers on my chin. He pulled my head to him. „Don't worry, I love that face." he said and I smiled.

„Let's go." I said and we both put on jackets and shoes. Together we left the house and got into the car. Luckily the party wasn't that far away and we were there in 15 minutes.

We stood in front of the door and I knocked. A tall man opened the door. He had blonde hair and I've never seen him before. He looked at me and then at Alec.

„Hey, I'm Andrews, and you are?" he asked. He smiled at Alec.

„Um, I'm Alec and this is Magnus." he said. Now the Andrew guy looked at me, but he didn't smile. Woah.

„Nice to meet you! Come in!" he said. We entered the house and a smell of cinnamon and vanilla came to me. I also heard Christmas songs. I really liked the mood here.

„Magnus!" I heard a familiar voice say, after we went to the others. It was Cat, who was approaching me. Behind her was Ragnor. She hugged me tight. I almost couldn't breathe anymore. After she let me go, I hugged Ragnor.

„Who's this handsome guy next to you?" Cat asked and pointed to Alec. I smiled.

„This is Alexander." I said. Cat and Ragnor shook his hand and Alec seemed a bit nervous. That was cute. „He spends Christmas time with me because he hates Christmas." I said and both of their jaws dropped.

„You what? Are you even a person?" she asked and Alec giggled embarrassed.

„Well, I wouldn't say hate. I just didn't really like it." he said.

„He just never celebrated Christmas the right way. After this year, he'll love it." I said and smiled at him.

„I'm glad you guys are here. The people here are boring as always." said Ragnor and we laughed. That was true. Everyone was standing here, with a glass of Champagne in their hands, talking about their business. Ugh - I hate it.

„Anyway, I'll get us a drink." I said and Alec nodded. „I'll be right back." I added and went to the bar. We wouldn't survive this completely sober so we need something good.

I mixed us something and when I went back, I saw that Cat and Ragnor were gone. Only Alec and this Andrew guy were there. Andrew was clinging to him. His hand touched Alec's masculine arm. Alec seemed obviously uncomfortable with this situation.

I felt this anger raging in me. What makes him think he can touch Alexander like that? You don't just touch someone you don't know. I went to them and gave Alexander one of the two drinks. Andrew put his hand away.

„Sorry it took me so long." I said and kissed Alec and in front of this guy. Alec seemed a bit surprised, but he kissed me back. His other hand was on my hips. After I let go of his lips, I looked at Andrew.

„Yeah, I guess I'll get some drinks as well." he said and left. Yes, that's all I wanted. Alec grinned at me.

„What?" I asked and he laughed.

„Was that jealousy?" he asked and I frowned.

„What? I don't get jealous." I defended myself. He laughed even more.

„You're jealous, you're actually jealous." he said and I shook my head.

„Stop! That's not true." I said but he just laughed. „You're rude." I said and he shrugged.

„And you're cute." he said. I smile and gave him another quick kiss.

Christmas battle - Malec's POVWhere stories live. Discover now