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It was a few games later and we decided to do something else. "I know" Jungkook smirked, he whispered something into Tae's ear, they laughed together and Tae nodded, "Spin the bottle!" They shouted in unison, and they couldn't stop laughing. I wondered what they'd do when they span someone else.

The game could start when we had a bottle, however the only bottle we could find was an alcoholic drink, maybe this will be easier if I'm a little drunk. I grabbed the bottle from Suga's hand as we decided who to drink it, downing it in seconds. I was pretty proud of myself. Everyone stared as I sat, placing the empty bottle in the middle, "you guys coming?" I hiccuped.

"Who's first to spin?" I said, eyeing the bottle sitting between us all. "Jungkook, it was your idea" Jin gulped. Jungkook looked at Tae, Tae nodded and Jungkook reached his hand out, grabbing the bottle, he span.

In the five seconds of the spin I was worried, I wasn't sure if this game was gonna be great, but everyone wanted to play. The bottle slowed to a stop pointing at Tae, I heard just about everyone breathe out a sigh of relief as they made out in the corner, I looked away, giving them some privacy. "Okay guys, don't forget we're also in the room" Suga grumbled.

Jin was next to spin, seeing as he was the one to volunteer Jungkook. The bottle landed on Namjoon, we laughed as J-Hope had to force their heads together whilst they closed their eyes tightly.

Next up was J-Hope, the bottle landed on Suga I laughed at their tiny peck. And then all eyes went to me, "Hi guys" I said shakily as they all smiled evilly at me, "Your turn Y/N" Jimin smirked, clearly avoiding his go by passing it on to me. I confidently reached my hand out and flicked my wrist, causing the bottle to spin really quickly. I think the alcohol helped a lot when having to play this game.

It span for what seemed like ages, but that didn't stop everyone staring at it until it finally stopped. The head of the bottle pointed at Jimin, who sat beside me. Tae and Jungkook giggled and whispered with each other. I eyed them as I turned to Jimin, leaning forward and kissing him gently, then pulling away, winking at him. I heard cheers, then I glared at Tae and he stopped.

"Let's play a different game" J-Hope said, I could feel Jimin's eyes burning a hole in my head, "why don't we watch a movie?" I suggested, getting up to go and pick one. "Jimin, want to come help me pick one?" He nodded and got up too, we both left the room and I could hear chatter as soon as we were out of earshot.

"What's up?" I turned to him, while shuffling around with the DVD's in my hands. He looked back at me and sighed, "I just, I want to tell them, they are like my brothers and we know everything about each other." I laughed, relief filling me, "That's it? Of course we can tell them!" Jimin looked so happy, I loved seeing him like this, I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Damn guys, it's just a game, you don't have to kiss anymore" Jin sniggered, "I was just coming to see how the movie picking was going, seems like it's going well." I flushed red and turned to Jimin, he grabbed a movie and then grabbed my hand in his, dragging me past Jin and into the living room,  sitting me on his lap as he sat down, passing the movie to Namjoon, who put it on.

I couldn't focus on the movie, all I could focus on was Jimin's hand tracing shapes up and down my leg and his gentle kisses on my cheek. I think it distracted everyone from the movie, some were confused but I think they took the hint. "Hey guys" I cleared my throat as they all turned to me, "Do you think I can tell my family where I'm living now?"

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