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Work dragged on, I never knew how boring answering a few phones could be. I decided to maintain a positive attitude throughout, I wasn't sure if I could be fired or not, but today was not the day to test that out.

It had turned two O'clock, the phone rang, "Hello?" I said for the fifteenth time today. Seven figures walked in the door, I smiled at them, while also talking to the man behind the phone. "Okay I'll make sure" I finished, placing the phone down. "Hey guys" I smiled. I spun in my chair, "How do you like my office?"
"Quite small" Jin looked around at my space, spotting an empty photo frame, beside one of my mum and sister. "Why don't you put a photo in there?" He asked, "I don't have one, yet" I winked at him.

"So why are you here?" I looked at them all crowding my desk. "We have a meeting with PD Nim" Namjoon answered, looking at me expectantly. I clicked on the computer a few times. "Go on up." I pointed at the stairs "I would recommend the stairs, we've had people get stuck in the elevator before" I whispered that last part to them and they laughed, Jimin pouted, "it was fun though!"

They walked away, Jimin stayed. He walked around my desk and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm working!" I said in a singsongy voice. He shrugged, pressing his lips against mine. I rolled my eyes and kissed him back, giving in.

"Come on Jimin, stop shoving your tongue down Y/N's throat" Tae shouted from the lift, everyone laughed as Jimin strolled towards them, turning and winking at me. I melted in my seat, wishing he would walk back and kiss me again, how can someone make me feel like this?! I had a feeling he might've felt the same as he stared longingly at me until the elevator doors closed.

I sighed, straightening my back to regain posture and heard the phone ring, again?!

Half an hour later, I had answered a few more phone calls, I heard the ding of the lift, I didn't look up, focusing on the phone. I had challenged myself to pick it up after the first ring, the only way to do that was with complete concentration. "Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Yes?" I replied, still staring at the phone. "We have a surprise, come on, you're allowed to leave, they've got a replacement for the rest of your shift" I looked up at J-Hope, then the phone rang, I hesitated to pick it up, damn it, second ring.

I walked out of the building with J-Hope, seeing the rest of the guys gathered outside. "So what's this surprise" I looked at them expectantly. "Well" Jin started, "PD Nim is having a formal dinner tonight" Namjoon continued, "He invited us" Jungkook followed, "We asked if you could come too and he said yes!" Tae finished excitedly. "Really?! Thanks!" I jumped up and down, excited to be going to a 'formal dinner.'

"So, who else is gonna be at this 'formal dinner'?" I shouted at Jimin who was getting ready in the bathroom as I picked out a dress. "PD Nim and a few of your colleagues, it's a work dinner basically, you don't have to keep calling it formal." He chuckled as he walked out of the bathroom, I almost fell back seeing him standing their in a tuxedo, his shirt half tucked in, tight against his chest. I inhaled a shaky breath, "What's wrong?" He walked towards me, "Don't like the tux?" He whispered in a deep voice. I shoved him back, "Well, you could at least finish tucking it in" I walked past him and into the bathroom with my dress. I heard him laugh as I shut the door.

"What time do we have to leave?" I shouted out the door, hoping Jimin was still in the room, "in half an hour" he shouted back. I started to panic, only half ready and stuck on my eyeliner.

Half an hour later I swung the bathroom door open, shocking Jimin on the other side, "I'm done! And also, what were you doing out here?"
"I was deciding what to do about you taking ages in there, clearly it was worth it" Jimin said walking towards me. I grinned, knowing how good I looked in my slim black dress, it fitted my figure but flowed out at the bottom, ending at my knees.

"Okay so i might've lied to you" Jimin revealed, I looked at him, confused. "We actually have twenty more minutes, but I wanted to make sure you'd be ready with twenty minutes to spare. so that maybe we could play a game deciding who gets to go in which car." I pouted, "do you understand how much better it would've been knowing I had more time?"

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