Batman to the Rescue

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Leo ran into the mess hall on the Argo II where the rest where having a meeting, "Guys! You need to see this!" He tapped on the screen that showed Camp Half-Blood, clicked a couple of buttons and vola, the news popped up on the screen.
"Breaking New: Two children climbed an crumbling building that's about to collapse." The Newsman said.
"Why are you showing us this?" Piper asked.
"Look!" Leo pointed at the screen.
The screen changed until you could see an abandoned building that was indeed crumbling and looked like it could drop any second. There was a giant hole in the roof, a long board of plywood stretched across, leading the way to the other side of the hole. There standing on the narrow end of the wood was a young girl (maybe 5?), holding a male toddler (no more than age 2), how they got up there no one knows.
On the other side of the hole was several police men, a worried looking mother, a news channel lady with her camera man, and a familiar boy: Nico.
Nico walked toward the board, a police man placed his hand on Nico's chest, "Young man, you cannot pass this line, this is-"
Nico strolled pass the cop, and casually walked across the narrow board of wood.
The two children looked terrified.
Nico hummed a tune to calm them down, and soon reached the other side of the hole.
Nico placed the young girl in his back (piggyback style), and held the 2 year old, and walked back across the board.
He handed the little boy to his mother and set the young girl down next to them.
Behind them, the narrow floor where the children just were collapsed.
Before anyone could react, the news lady pushed her way through, along with her camera man.
"Young man, who are you?" She asked Nico.
The next thing Nico did amazed them. He zipped down his jacket to reveal a old Batman T-shirt. "I'm Batman." Nico said, then jumped back into the hole, disappearing.
The Seven knew Nico shadow-traveled out of there, but the cops and news lady didn't.
For the next few days, there was nothing but 'Batman to the rescue' on the news. And the Seven would not quit teasing Nico about it.
I know it sucked but still, I came up with this idea is a matter of seconds so I didn't really think it through

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