He's Scared of a Tr**y With Nailpolish

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Tw: uncensored trans slurs ahead

He is scared of a tranny with nailpolish
That is a sentence I have always said
I bite my lips and hide my tits
And listen to the sound of my "people" like
"Go away you faggot" and
"What the fuck are you doing in here?"
And I dance with the whole of my body
Every inch of me is viable for inspection
From my blown around hair all the way to my missing 'bits'
And I still get tortured for all of it
Everyday i live a nightmare most people would never ever think about
Where even my name is part of a class discussion on why it's wrong to be me
Because a giant invisible man in the clouds said in his diary that this is how he made me
He made me to be changed
He made me as a boy who he forgot the parts
But God doesn't make mistakes
Except Noah's Ark
And Adam and Eve

He knew we were imperfect
But unlike the mother who raised me
He loves me anyway
And I don't even believe in the fucker

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