To The Dragon (11/14/19)

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To the dragon that laid hands on me:

I am not gold, I am not silver, I don't sparkle and shine in the sun
I am not a princess, nor do I need protected
So why did you take my body?

I became your hoard those two years ago
And I regret ever allowing it
For six months your fiery embers engraved words into my flesh that remain to this day
You would hold me only to impale my broken holes with things unholy

The coercion in your voice was covered in false love, barely lining your lust
I knew the whole time I was an object to you
Something for your use to be thrown away as you pleased
You made sure that others knew I was your property too

Once the truth got out, how your claws sensually felt the parts of me no one ever should
You claimed I was a false prophet, that the words I spoke were hollow and dead
You left me on a doorstep while you slept peacefully in your bed

Rumors spread fast, and I was the talk of the town
The fake boy who got hurt trying to harm a dragon
The stupid boy that lied to the knights about how he hurt him
The weakling that lost a fight that he started, that he asked for

But they were just words, words that others soon forgot
Because I didnt ask for it, who would
I never wanted your body so close to mine
Pressed against every curve of my soul
Reaching into places that I didn't want probed
But it didn't matter to you, I was a doll

The names people gave us often changed
My family said it was bad
My friends claimed toxic
The police said they needed evidence
The hospital said rape

I think I already knew, the gravity pulling me down
I know I said no, I know you said try it
But boyfriends don't do that
And "Real men can't get raped"

So for months it was my life
Every waking moment, every breathe was filled with your face and your words
The scars on my wrist healed just fine by the way,
Considering how worried you pretended to be

Thanks to you, I lost all my friends, you hated them anyway
And I spent the rest of the year alone, and crying
Girls would tell me I was brave for doing what they couldn't,
And men would just ask me why I told

I'm doing fine, despite your phantom hands still invading my body
Your fire no longer bothers me, and your claws have shrunk considerably
Assuming you'll be alive when you hear this I just wanna say
I was never part of your hoard

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