Dear Guys

39 5 2

I have new stories coming up for this christmas, and i'm wondering if you guys would want an X Reader story, it will be out...SOON!
And the background of the reader would be Vampire Knight.

I know most of you like Vampire Knight so I'm doing this one for you guys, hey come on, lots of people like Vampire Knight, right?
You just need to pick between only two characters, Either Kaname or Zero, the title is
Bullet-Proof Love, by...Meh, obviously <3

Im open for suggestions, and im already making chapter three of the story, but ypu HAVENT met Zero.....Yet. So if you guys have any ideas, please leave a comment on my first story, SPILLING OUR BLOOD, and yes, there will be another chapter soon, i really promise to catch up with updating this because i know you want me to update...
Thanks for voting and following me.
Ive also made a Quote and Poem book, its available for discovery now, still working on it, but you can find lots of cool poems and quotes.

Im gonna update soon, and thanks for waiting....😁

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