Part 3

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It was a bit later and Miles was trying his hardest to have more of a friendly demeanor when he was around Aurorah, as friendly as Miles could get anyway. To his delight though, Aurorah was warming up to him, chatting with him a bit more, and in return, he tried to pay her more attention. He even noticed that she cleaned up and wore the locket he gave her on the beach almost every day. He knew it was because she liked antiques and it was pretty, but part of him liked to think she wore it because he gave it to her.

Unfortunately, while getting to know her better was nice, there was a bit of downside to getting closer to his assistant, the more they chatted, and the closer they got, the more he wanted her, and the more he loathed her fiancé.

“Wow! You did so well in court today, sir.” Congratulated Aurorah as they walked out of the court room and back to Edgeworths office. “A guilty verdict in under 30 minutes, that must be a new record.”

He chuckled and smirked “Not to toot my own horn, Ms. Litowski, but I must say, I am rather proud of myself. Shall we go somewhere to celebrate? There is a fine café that just opened up a few blocks away, my treat.”

She smiled as she walked along, carrying her files close to her chest. “I appreciate the offer, Mr. Edgeworth, but I have a fitting this evening.”

“A fitting of what?”

“My wedding dress.”

The smile on Edgeworth's face quickly dipped into a frown, his grip on his briefcase tightened, knuckles going white, as he tried to gain control of his feelings.

“…that so…”


“I see…”

Rory frowned, “You aren’t angry, are you, sir? I know it was a big win but-“

“You don’t have to justify yourself to me, Ms. Litowski. You have plans after work today, it’s not my business…”

“…really? Because you sound kind of...pissed off.”

He took a deep breath as they got to the office door and he unlocked it.

“I’m fine, Ms. Litowski, I can assure you… please file this case away before leaving to have your silly little dress altered…”

She looked at him like he had five heads as she put the casefiles down from that day’s trial.

“I-I’m sorry, sir, silly?”

“Just, nevermind, Litowski. Do your work and go home… it’s Friday, I’m sure you’re looking forward to the weekend.”

He walked into his office and put his stuff down as well. She stood there a moment, looking at him. He looked up and noticed that she seemed flustered, like she wanted to say something to him.

“What’s on your mind, Ms. Litowski, cat got your tongue?”

“I…don’t understand you sometimes, sir.”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Please file those papers…”

She paused and then picked the papers up, going to his files and putting everything away. “Just…sometimes you seem bipolar or something…” she continued, back to him.

He looked at her, “I beg your pardon?”

“You know… like how you were just really happy and excited and then when I told you I couldn’t celebrate, you kind of… um…”

“I kind of what, Ms. Litowski??”

She cringed, regretting her decision to speak up, danger in his voice.

The Assistant: Miles Edgeworth x OCWhere stories live. Discover now