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"Helena, don't you think it's time to clean out his study?" My sister, Anne asked as she was over for tea.

I glared at her.

"How many times are you going to bring cleaning out his things?" I replied.

"Helena, it's been sixteen years. It's time." Anne said.

"All his things will remain how they are, Anne." I said.

"Stubborn Girl." Anne said.

"Anne, you're not going to tell me what I should do with my husbands things. God forbid if your husband died, you would throw his things away." I said.

"I'm sorry, Helena." Anne said.

"It's okay, it's hard even after so many years. I lost my soulmate, Anne. My children lost their father. Theo did not even get the chance to know him. That's why I keep his things so our children can know him through his things." I said.

"Oh, Helena." Anne said as she squeezed my hand.

"He promised me that he would retire and we would be together forever and now here I am without him." I said.

"I guess time does not how heal you like they say it does." Anne said.

"No, it does not." I said.

—— • ——

I walked into Robert's study and looked at the room that has not been touched since he left for Iraq.

Since his death.

I take a seat behind his desk and start looking around at all the sheets on his desk.

"Maybe, Anne is right, I should at least clean some of his things." I said to myself.

I start going through his things on his desk, when something caught my eye. It was a small dark green book that was clearly a diary or journal of some sort.

"What is this?" I asked myself as I opened the journal and immediately in big black letters read "Dear Helena".

I stared tearful smiling for a moment at the book in my hand. I know I should have came in this room sooner and found this book as I slowly turned the page and began reading.

Dear Helena,

Happy thirteenth wedding anniversary, my sweet darling! Can you believe it we made it to thirteen years of marriage?

I searched all the dictionaries to find the meaning of life but I found nothing. But when we got married and I looked into your eyes, I found everything.

As you know I'm not always good with expressing myself but for our anniversary I wanted to do something different.

I wanted you to go down memory lane and remember why we fell in love with each other.

This journal is filled with all of my amazing memories of our thirteen years together.

I want you to remember that I will always love you, Helena.

With Love, Your Prince Charming

I turned to the next page.

Dear Helena,

All the words in the world could not even begin to describe how deeply I am in love with you, from the first moment I saw you until the never-ending heartbeat you have given me. You are not only my love, but you are my soul.

Do you remember how we met?

Although, we told people we met in 1990, we really did not. I remember the real day we met in 21 June of 1989.

When I blessed you with the site of my naked body at Jessica's indoor pool. The look on your face when I stood there in my naked glory. It was beautiful as you blushed.

Do you remember?

I do that's when I knew you were the one for me.

—— • ——

21 June of 1989

"Helena, you can use the indoor pool, no one should be in there anyway." Jessica said as she gave me a towel.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, now go and relax." Jessica answered.

"Okay, thank you." I said as I walked down the corridors and to the glass double doors where the indoor pool was located.

As I opened the door to walk in, a young man gets out of the pool with nothing on.

He grabs a towel and placed it on his neck and he turns and looks at me.

I froze and stared at him in shock.

"Would you mind turning around so I can put on my bathing suit?" He asked as he gestured for me to turn around

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"Would you mind turning around so I can put on my bathing suit?" He asked as he gestured for me to turn around.

"Oh, right. Sorry!" I exclaimed as I quickly turned around.

I heard him chuckle.

"Oh God!" I exclaimed to myself as I could not get the image of his naked body out of my head.

"You can turn around now." He said.

I quickly turned around to face him.

"I'm so sorry. Jessica said that no one was here so I came in." I said.

"It's okay, Your Royal Highness." He said.

"Oh no, please call me, Helena, after I've just seen your naked body. I think we're passed the formalities." I said.

"In that case, I'm Robert." He said.

"It's nice to meet you and your nice body, Robert." I smiling.

I smiled at the memory as I closed the journal.

"Yes, I remember." I answered.

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