I |⋆| Witty

365 12 15

Start recording


Hi. (You yawned in an oddly manner.) I'm currently eating breakfast now as you can see. (You pointed the camera into your food, which is a french toast and a brown coffee. You then checked your watch to see the current time.) It's 6:45 AM in the morning and I'm taking breakfast at Yokohama Cafe. By the way, welcome to my boring-ass video. (You made an edgy face just to stay in your character.) Here you can see a very ugly woman trying hard to vlog just to earn money-- haha. Just kidding. Even though it's not a fucking joke really. (You rolled your eyes.) Okay, Imma turn it off and I'll be back for a while. See ya, merde-s!~ (You blew a kiss to the camera and covered it with your palm, just like a typical vlogger.)


You placed down your camera on the table and sighed deeply. You thought to yourself that you look like an edgy-idiot talking alone on a camera in the middle of a cafe. You then thought to yourself that you pretend to be 'this' person just for fame. You've been doing this for months now and people think your whole life is a joke. You need money so badly so you've decided to be a clown on the internet.

The cafe has only a few customers so it doesn't bother you that much. 

You can smell the strong scent of coffee around. It has a peaceful atmosphere. The cafe design is an aesthetic to your eyes. No wonder you always go to that cafe and record your videos in that place every day.

You took a bite to your newly cooked french toast and sipped into your sweet brown coffee. It'll always be your favorite breakfast. You always order these foods since it's very affordable and delicious.

You're an independent woman. You had a former work at a convenience store before and made yourself alive with the money you made. You've already graduated from college and failed to get a job due to your shallow grades. Your friend recommended that you can earn money just being meme YouPiper and now you're in that place. 

You brought your phone out of your pocket and wore your earphones. You checked the music playlists and chose 'NC' playlist. You tapped the song and listened to it.

Donna chinpu na game mo
Saigo made yatte yaru kedo
Sanryuu sakka no tsukutta
Scenario ja manzoku shinee ze!

You sang along with the song with a weak sound. Your headbangs synchronized with the beats of it. 

Goodbye yogore chimatta
Fuku wa mou kire yashinai naa
Choudo taikutsu shinogi
Hoshi katta sonna tokoro sa

You tapped the table with the beats of the song. 

Kedai no uchi ni shi wo
Yumenu to itta no wa dare da?!

You enjoyed every melody of the song, even though you don't understand what it all means. You thought it doesn't matter because the singer behind the song is the person you've been obsessing for the past few years.

You've stopped singing when you saw a short man, probably a little taller than you, wearing a black beanie. You can still see every single strand of his orange hair. It looks like it wasn't combed well. His face was covered with black aviator glasses and a black mask. You can still see the inside of his glasses, it's his silverish eyes. He wore a black hoodie and black sleeping pants. He obviously didn't groom himself and just rushed towards the cafe. 

You thought to yourself he looks a bit familiar. You turned back your head and took a little sip into your coffee. You lowered the volume of your music to be aware of what was going on.

"May I get a wine-infused coffee?" 

You choked into your drink when you heard him said it.

"Uhm... sir.. we don't sell that type of drink. May I get you anything else?" The cashier was making an embarrassed face.

"Ugghhh... Black coffee then! No sugar or milk. Just coffee!" He yelled.

You stared at the weird short-tempered man blankly. 

Who the fuck gets a coffee with wine on it..?

Why is his temper as short as his height...?

The questions flood your mind for a while. You went back to your business and continued to eat your breakfast. 

The weird man sat 3 meters away from your table. You felt a little tensed due to the scene that he made earlier.

"H-here is your coffee... sir..?"

The waitress brought down the coffee on his table with shaky hands. But she placed it down on the table perfectly without any spill. You can see the nervousness built upon her face.

"Choi Ya."

You choked into your food and coughed hard. You were shocked by the ridiculous name he made. 

"M-ma'am, are you okay?" The waitress went towards you and tapped your back hard.

"O-oh... I-I'm okay. I didn't chew my food well so it got stuck." You said as you smiled awkwardly on her to make sure that she erased the scenario that my actions made.

"O-okay maam.." She said as she went back to her working place.

You made eye contact with the weird man sitting 3 meters beside your table. You were the first one to break the eye contact. He stood up and grabbed his cup of coffee. He placed it down on your table. He took off his aviator glasses. His silverish eyes showed in front of you. It was beautifully formed. He really is gifted by the gods and goddesses, you thought.

Your imaginary background is filled with lights and roses. It feels very romantic. You knew he was a famous singer, actor and the model you've always wanted to meet. It was Nakahara Chuuya. But, you were a bit confused by the name he made. 

You thought he was stupid to make a name that was close to his name.

"Don't vlog about me, {F/N}. I'll sue you if you did." He mumbled. He took a sip into his coffee.

You were shocked that he knew your name. You thought a famous artist like him won't recognize a lowlife vlogger like you are. 

"I won't vlog about a short freak like you are." You casually said to him. You maintained your character so that he won't assume that you're a die-hard fan of him.

"I'm taller than you." He raised his eyebrows. "At least I'm not trying hard to be an edgy-idiot talking alone on a camera."

"Excuse me?" You furiously said to him. You made sure your voice is low so you won't make any scandal.

A moment of silence filled the cafe. You two were glaring at each other while eating your breakfast.

You finished eating your breakfast and he was done drinking his coffee.

"See ya, Ms. Edgy Vlogger."

He wore the black aviator glasses. He stood up from his chair and left the cafe.

At that moment, you thought to yourself that you were being an idiot idolizing a rude short man like him for your whole life.

You swore to yourself that you'll beat him.

You'll crush him and step upon his popularity.

Even if it's immature, you wanted revenge.

You left the cafe and looked for an agency to start your revenge.


Author's section

Hi. I've been laughing for the whole night just by making this chapter. I swear it'll get serious in the next chapter updates. 

I apologize for the severe grammatical errors. I'll do better as time goes by.

November 16, 2019

Safe and Sound ⋆ Idol! Nakahara Chuuya x Female! Reader (BSD AU)Where stories live. Discover now